Guardian Angel || Meliodas X Dying! Reader

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You and the 7 Deadly sins were in Camelot watching Hawk check everyone's power levels.

"Diane your power level is 3,250." Hawk spoke.

"Hey do (y/n)'s." Arthur said.

"Okay." Hawk replied looking at you, "her power level is...4,000?"

"Whoa she's up with the Captain." Merlin smiled.

You laughed, "I'm not that powerful."

Meliodas side hugged you, "are you kidding? You took down a whole army of monsters with one strike."

"Whoa." Everyone echoed.

"So I have a power level of 4,000." You shrugged, "it's nothing impressive."

"It totally is, Lady (y/n)!" Elizabeth cheered, "you're extremely powerful."

"Shall we challenge her?" Gowther asked as he leaned to poke you.

You closed your eyes and sighed, "air punch."

Suddenly, Gowther was punched in the face by air and flew backwards.

"Ouch." Hawk spoke for Gowther.

"Yeah like I said, took down an army with one strike." Meliodas smiled.

Just then, something crashed into the ground, causing great smoke around them. Everyone began coughing.

"What the hell was that?" Arthur asked, smacking away the smoke.

The figure stood up as the smoke cleared away.

"It can't be...." Meliodas spoke, "it's Galand of the 10 Commandments."

"And right you are." He spoke walking up to them.

Hawk screamed, "this guy has a power level of 26,000?!?"

"Oh shit...." you gulped.

"Perfect cube!" Merlin spoke.

A perfect cube formed around Elizabeth, Hawk, and Arthur.

"Sir Meliodas you can't defeat him when he has a power level of 26,000!" Elizabeth screamed.

"Merlin, (y/n), and I got this." He smiled.

"But even with your levels combined it's no match for him!" Arthur argued.

Galand tried to hit them with his blade, but missed due to them moving quickly.

"Shock Stinger!" Merlin casted.

A lightning bolt hit Galand and he fell down. He immediately got back up.

"How!" Hawk screamed.

Galand laughed at he threw his blade down again, missing them once more.

"Hellblaze!" Meliodas yelled.

Black Flames surrounded Galand with extreme power and heat.

"Blinding Light!" You yelled, casting a bright light to Galand's vision.

"My eyes!" Galand yelled.


Galand had stabbed his blade into your chest. You felt your heart cramp up.

"....Bolts..." you finished in a quiet whisper.

"(Y/N)!!" Everyone yelled.

Galand removed his blade from your chest, laughing as you fall to the ground.

"You may be a powerful human." He chuckled, "but the demons always win against them."

He then began walking towards Merlin to battle her.

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