The Dragon Awakes || The Sins X Meliodas' Daughter! Reader Part 2

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Oneshot Description:

The is part 2 of "It's all my fault" oneshot. You have had enough of letting your uncles walk free after they killed Meliodas. You march your way to them but the sins track you down and take on the battle. Meliodas talks with his father and comes back to life but loses parts of his emotion. After battling and killing Fraudrin, a 10 Commandments sub, you and Meliodas have a moment and you fall asleep in his arms. Soon Elizabeth enters and Meliodas breaks down about how he's scared of transforming back to who he once was and terrified of killing his daughter. (I kinda summed up and kinda made this oneshot in my pwn way rather than how the episode turned out. Kinda hard to squeeze everything into one part for a oneshot. Hope you like it!)

Word Count: 2053 words

You were sitting beside your father's cold corpse in his bed. You were feeling so many emotions that you could feel your head spin. You felt lost, sad, angry, guilty, and powerless. Your tears had ran dry and all you could do was weep and sob. You were angry at your uncle; angry that he did this and angry that you couldn't stop the incident.

"I'm sorry, Dad." You sighed, "I can only blame myself for this. And because of that, I'll end Uncle Estarossa and Uncle Zeldris. They mean nothing to me. They never have. . . .and they never will after they killed you. I love you."

You hugged his cold body and left the room. You grabbed your mother's (Liz) sword and marched to the door.

"(Y/n) where are you going?" Elizabeth asked, making everyone's head turn towards you.

You stared at your feet, "It won't be long before the 10 Commandments get to Liones. And I'm prepared to avenge my father by killing my uncles once and for all."

"(Y/n) that's a fucking death wish!" Ban yelled.

Gilthunder agreed, "it isn't safe to fight them alone. You're lucky that you're even alive that your last fight with them."

"I mean if you guys wanna come with than I'm fine with that. But every second that my uncles breathe and my father remains lifeless draws even more rage in my body." You spoke with a rather dark voice.

Everyone's eyes widened at the tone of your voice.

"(Y/n) are you okay?" Elaine asked.

"(Y/n) look at us." Jericho spoke.

You looked up at them, causing them to gasp. Your eyes had turned black and a small demon mark was on your forehead.

"(Y/n) change out of that form!" Escanor yelled.

"Sorry, I can't do that." You replied opening the door, "to defeat a demon, you have to switch to your demon form to do it."

"(Y/n) that's not true." Merlin spoke.

"Only one way to find out." You replied.

"(Y/N) DON'T YOU DARE!" Ban yelled leaping over the bar to grab you.

"Kieteiku." You whispered and vanished within thin air.

"Dammit she's gone!" Ban yelled.

"Well now we should go after her, shouldn't we?" Gowther asked, "Meliodas would be very angry at us if anything were to happen to her."

"Yeah let's go." Merlin answered, "in her demon form, she has a power level of 15,000. But that's not even half of the amount of power that the 10 Commandments have."

"That's not good." Hawk spoke.

Meliodas woke up in the demon world. He stood up and looked around.

Meliodas X Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now