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"Are you nervous?" his trainer's voice appeared next to him, startling him for a second, before he regained his composure. "Me? Never", he scoffed and moved away from the man next to him, who did intimidate him a little. He was around 6'3, so a literal giant compared to the skinny Sunghoon, who still denied the fact that he probably wouldn't grow any taller. 

"Well then, let's go inside, shall we?"

Sunghoon nodded and followed the giant inside. They didn't need to pay, both of them were basically VIP guests in there and were treated as such. So they just went past the entrance to the changing rooms to put on their skates.

The boy felt like everyone was staring at him but he didn't really mind too much. He got used to it at some point. He just sometimes missed his privacy.

"What is taking you so long, ice prince?" the trainer mocked before pushing the young boy towards the ice rink, making the people around them laugh. Sunghoon just stumbled along, almost tripping onto the ice.

But as soon as his feet touched the familiar ground, he regained his posture. This was his element. No one was going to push him around here.

"Look around and choose someone", he sighed before starting to do so himself. Quickly after, his eyes found a pair of females, holding hands while giggling like crazy. One of them was constantly falling, tearing the other down as well. It was pathetic to watch, really, but Sunghoon knew he found his target as soon as he laid his eyes on her.

She was cute. From her smile to the way she brushed the ice off of her clothes after she fell once again. "These two", Sunghoon mumbled and the trainer, who had been following his gaze, just nodded.

They stood there for a while, just watching the two girls, which must've looked weird for the people around them. Sunghoon just ignored it. 

"The left one will be one hell of a challenge", the trainer sighed. The left one. The boy had to agree. But he still wanted her.

"I think I can handle that."

Just as he said that the left girl fell again, this time pretty hard, which was not even surprising any of them anymore.

"Are you going to give up?" the man asked, his eyes laying on the pretty girl stumbling over the ice like a maniac, after having pulled herself up again. "Never" Sunghoon sighed and skated towards the stranger, not knowing that he was leaving behind life as he knew it until now.


Soojin was in pain, the constant falling was tiring her and she was pretty sure her skates were tied too loosely, making her ankles hurt a little.

"You are so bad, I can't even", her best friend laughed.

"Well, I'm happy my lack of talent amuses you. Now, if you wouldn't mind being a good friend for once, could you please hold my hand again?" Jiyoo, the good friend that she was, laughed again but eventually reached out for her friend's hand. 

"Thank you", Soojin scoffed, slowly getting annoyed at the ice for being so slippery. Oh, how much would she give to be able to skate. She always admired the elegance of figure skaters and had finally decided to give it a shot herself, when she noticed that she didn't have talent. Not at all. 

Jiyoo, on the other hand, was surprisingly good. At least she didn't fall as much as she did. She just wasn't sure if that was a huge accomplishment.  

"Excuse me?", a male voice pulled her out of her thoughts, startling her so much, that she ended up falling on the ice once again. Without thinking too much about it, she grabbed the hand someone was offering her and stood up, almost slipping up once again. 

"This is going to be a lot of work", the male muttered, already regretting his life choices. "What is going to be a lot of work?" the young female asked, finally looking at the pretty stranger in front of her. 

"You", he stated before starting to explain his situation. 

Soojin was shocked. What the hell was going on?

"So you basically want to use me to win a bet? Let me tell you, I'm hopeless. Just take Jiyoo, she's actually quite decent." The latter threw an angry glance at her friend for just handing her over like that. "Wait what?" She hissed before wanting to just pull the other girl out of there. But the stranger was quicker. 

In a matter of seconds, he had grabbed the younger girl's wrist, pulling her a little towards him. "I've watched you for a while. Believe me, I know. Even the little kids over there are better than you. But I do enjoy a challenge. And your friend could be useful for my trainer", Sunghoon motioned towards the man a few meters behind him. 

"I am no object you just pass around like that-" the older girl shouted but was quickly shut up by her best friend. "But isn't this like our opportunity to finally learn how to skate? For free? You know how much I've wanted to learn it JiJi", Soojin practically begged her best friend. 

After a few seconds of silence, in which you could almost hear the elder girl's thinking, she nodded. "Fine. I'm doing this for you."

Seconds later the both of them were laying on the ice, the younger girl's legs wrapped around her friend, covering her with small kisses. Sunghoon saw the slightly taller friend smile at that action. 

"Are you done?" He interrupted their moment, feeling slightly uncomfortable at the sight of the two. Soojin nodded and jumped up in excitement, this time without falling. "Already making progress", Sunghoon joked before taking the girl's hand, dragging her off the ice, to discuss further matters. 

"Sooo.... what are we going to do now?"



I dislike this chapter. I don't know why but I feel like my English is really bad today, but maybe it's just me that thinks this way. 

Anyways. In about 4 days Seventeen will be on I-Land, which I'm really excited for hehe. 

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