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With a slight smile on his face, Sunghoon held the girl's hand. It was slightly sweaty, after all, it was a pretty warm night and they were waiting in line for about 10 minutes already. "Would've never thought you'd take me to this kind of restaurant", Soojin mentioned, staring at the huge building in front of them. She had heard of it and of it's amazing, but extremely expensive food. 

A little uncomfortable she stared at her clothes. Soojin was completely underdressed. It felt odd as if everyone was staring at her and judging her for her appearance. Sunghoon on the other hand looked more than perfect. Godly even. 

His white shirt tugged into his black jeans, the sleeves rolled up, showing everyone his defined forearms. His shoes were probably more expensive than everything Soojin owned and she didn't even want to know how much his watch cost. 

"You look absolutely beautiful", Sunghoon reassured his date after noticing her worried face. Then again, to him, she always looked beautiful.  

"You could've told me that we were going to a restaurant like this", she muttered, checking out the dozens of gorgeous and elegant women in the line. "Well, that would've ruined the surprise, right?" 

Soojin nodded. Right. She should be thankful for all of this instead of complaining. She just didn't feel worthy of his attention and time. At least she didn't want other people to see her like that as well. 

"You know what? Let's go", he smiled, before pulling the girl out of the line, across the street and trough the parc in front of them. "What are you doing?" Soojin exclaimed, a little confused at his sudden actions. 

"We don't need that fancy restaurant to have a good time. The food is not even that good", he assured the girl before parking in front of his favourite fast food shop. "They have good pizza here", he explained before pulling her into the store. 

After sitting down, Sunghoon glanced at Soojin, who suddenly looked much more at ease. 

"But- didn't you make a reservation?" 

"I did. But have you seen the line? Another free table won't bother them too much", the boy grinned. "Also, I don't need all those rich, old men to stare at my date as if you were food served at the restaurant."

Soojin originally wanted to tease him with that, but somehow she was only able to smile like an idiot. 

"Well, now you are overdressed, Mr Park", she mentioned after a while of just staring down at the table. 

"I'm aware, Mrs Park", Sunghoon said as if it was the most normal thing on this planet, making Soojin blush once again. "That's not my name", she mumbled. 

"I know this will shock you, but I'm aware of that as well. But you gotta admit that it sounds good. Mrs Park." He let a smirk decorate his face while watching Soojin struggle to breathe. 

"Are you ready to order?"

Soojin immediately turned her head to the most stunning girl she had ever seen. She was curvy, which wasn't very typical for a Korean woman, and her long legs seemed endless. Her outfit was a little tight in all the right places and her face could've been straight out of a magazine. 

Of course, she also noticed the way the waitress only paid attention to Sunghoon. 

"What do you want?" Sunghoon asked Soojin. 

"Uhm- a salad please", she muttered after having looked at the woman next to her. The boy just stared at her in confusion. Then he looked at the waitress for the first time. Then he understood. 

"We would like two pizzas, please. And two cokes." 

With a last flirty smile from the waitress, she disappeared with the order. "I said I wanted a salad" Soojin pouted, leaning her chin on hands. "I understood you." "Then why did you order a pizza?" "Because I know you Soojin. I can tell you once again that you are absolutely beautiful and don't need to compare yourself to others, but you won't listen anyway. So I decided to just ignore that until you realize, that I like you and not anyone else, okay?" 

Soojin nodded. She knew she was being stupid again. After all, Sunghoon could clearly have everyone he wanted, but he was still sitting in this cheap fast food place with her. He left that expensive place for her. He ignored the stunning waitress for her. She didn't deserve him- 

"Don't even think that." 

"I didn't even say anything-" "But you thought of it." 

"Fuck you Sunghoon."

"I'd much rather have you-" 

"Don't even finish that sentence Park."

"Fine", he chuckled before reaching out and grabbing the girl's hands, playing around with her small fingers. "They are so tiny", he laughed. 

"How cute, are you siblings?" The waitress suddenly interrupted their conversation. "Do we look like siblings?" Sunghoon became serious. "A little. She's just so- small and skinny. How old is she even?" "I'm not that small-" Soojin protested but was completely ignored by the waitress. 

"I'm asking myself how you noticed if you don't even look at her when she's talking to you." 

The waitress put down the two cokes in front of Sunghoon, smiled at him and walked away. 

"Do we really look like siblings?" "Don't listen to her, she's just jealous." "Yeah, I know that. Because I'm sitting here with you and she isn't." "That's not what I meant", Sunghoon smiled softly at his date. 

"But you should feel the same way. How can you ignore a woman like her? HAVE YOU SEEN HER?" 

"I did." 


"I like you better."

"How? Have you seen her boobs? They are huge! And her butt, I've heard boys like girls with big butts. Oh god I'm objectifying a woman what is happening to me? And her face. Kylie Jenner would be jealous of her lips." 

"Slow down for a sec. Who even is Kylie Jenner? And stop comparing yourself to others. There's plenty of guys that look better than me and look how confident I am. Other girls being pretty doesn't make you any less of it-" 

He leaned against the chair, his hands folded behind his head. 

"Also, I like smaller boobs better", he grinned and raised an eyebrow at the girl in front of him. 

"You had to ruin it, didn't you?" 





I'm baccc, sry for keeping you waiting. And thanks for still reading this shithole of a story. Almost 1000 reads, tf? How are some people consistently reading this bullshit? 

Well, I'm thankful. If you have anything you want to tell me regarding this story, my English (maybe some corrections pls) or the way the story is written please let me knowwwww.

Love yaa<3

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