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They were standing in front of the principal's door, waiting for it to open after having knocked shortly. Soojin was a little nervous, she had been to the principal a few times to speak about stuff like tutoring problematic students or after winning the school art contest. 

Now she was the one with a request, a rather big one. But she hoped that her previous good reputation would help her out in some way. She didn't know what exactly the best-case scenario was but she silently begged for it to happen. 

"Calm down, there is no need to be this nervous", Sunghoon laughed at the almost trembling girl next to him. He actually couldn't care less about her being nervous or not, but he felt like it would make things harder for him. It was also pretty distracting. 

"Right", Soojin nodded, trying to convince herself of it. Then the door opened. 

"Oh, Yang Soojin and-" "Park Sunghoon", Sunghoon smiled politely. "You are not a student here, right? Or are you? Your face seems familiar", the principal thought out loud, eyeing the boy in front of him. 

"No, I'm not a student here. I am a figure skater, maybe you have seen me on television or something", he smiled, trying not to sound too full of himself. "Ohh! Right! My wife and I love figure skating", the principal cheered before letting the two of them inside his office, both sitting down next to each other. 

"So, why do I have the honour of meeting you?" 

Sunghoon eyed Soojin, to check if she was going to talk, but her face made it pretty clear that she wasn't going to do that. "Well. Basically, Soojin is currently practising to participate in the Junior National Competiton (If this exists, which it probably does, just ignore it)." 

"Wait, I didn't know you were a figure skater Soojin?" 

"Well, I am not. At least not yet. That's why Sunghoon is here. We need a little more time to practise more and wanted to ask if there is some way to achieve that."

The principal thought about it. He indeed was a big fan of figure skating, having a student of his participate in a competition like that would be amazing. It would also bring good publicity to the school. On the other hand, Soojin was a kid with a bright future ahead of her in other things like art. She also was essential for helping out other kids at the school. Honestly speaking, she already knew everything they were going to teach her this school year, which is why they suggested she'd skip the grade, which she denied because she didn't want to leave her friends.

"Hmm. It hurts me to let you go for those few months. But if this is your dream, I won't be standing in the way of that. On the other hand, I am the principal and can't let you just waste months of education because you feel like it. So let me suggest this deal. I'm going to give you a month. Prove me at the end of it that you have the potential to win the competition and we are just going to freeze your grades for that time. After that, you are probably going to write a few tests but I think that won't be a problem. Okay?"

Soojin jumped up, euphorically clapping her hands, wanting to hug the principal so bad right now, but controlled herself. 

Sunghoon thanked the man before grabbing the female's wrist, dragging her out of the room, leaving the principal, a little baffled but still happy, behind. He was looking forward to it. 

"Let's go then. Grab your stuff, you won't be here for the next month", the boy spoke, following the girl to her locker. It was pretty organized and inside he found many pictures of her with her friends, one of them he recognized as the girl from the ice rink. 

"Is that your best friend?" 

"Jiyoo? Yes! We are always together. Normally after school, we walk home together since she is my neighbour- SHIT!" 

Sunghoon was baffled by the sudden curse, looking at the girl opposite of him. Why did she have to be so loud all the time anyway?

"I completely forgot Jiyoo today. I just ran out of the room without telling her about this. Oh god, she is going to be so mad at me. I have to call her or something-" "You can do that later, now we have to focus on your practice. You really need that." 

Soojin was frustrated but she knew that she lost the fight, arguing with him would just ruin that little bit of connection they had. Jiyoo would understand, right? She was probably busy with practice as well, so it wouldn't be too bad. At least she tried to convince herself of that. 


This chapter is 200 words shorter than normal but I wanted to stop it there. Whoops.

EDIT: 11.09.2020

Today the 11th episode aired and I want to start off with a warning. SPOILER. 

First of all, sorry to all Hanbin stans. I have to admit that I didn't really care about him in the first Part of I-Land since I didn't know him before and he didn't get a lot of screentime. In the second Part 2, I started really liking him, so I was quite sad today. There was someone else I wanted to leave rather than Hanbin (does not mean I dislike the other person, just that I like Hanbin more) but I believe Hanbin will do great whatever he does. 


Sunghoon stans, we need to vote more, try to find people (Hanbin stans maybe?) or just friends of yours to vote for him at least once. I don't want him to be 5th again. His rank is dropping and I'm afraid he might not make it if it continues like this. Our baby needs to debut! 

It's just so sad that I almost never see comments about Sunghoon. I have heard that he is pretty popular in Korea but I personally don't see a lot about him. So yeah, try and spread love^^


Just one last week guys!

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