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"This is a bad idea Sunghoon", the girl whispered as the line got shorter and shorter, her insecure body moving closer to the man in front of the club. "We are never getting in", she added after a short pause. 

"Not with that attitude", he chuckled. Sunghoon was pretty much certain they would succeed in getting into the building. Not only because he definitely looked older than he was, but because he knew the people here really loved money and didn't really care who'd give it to them. 

"I really hate how optimistic you sometimes are", Soojin grumbled before leaning her head against the boy's shoulder, hugging his defined arm as if it was a pillow. "I think I'm going to need that arm", he slightly protested, but after looking at the girl he just let it go. It was hopeless anyway and she just looked too cute. 

They finally arrived at the entrance. The buff man (AN: The word "buff" is used correctly right? Not too sure but it somehow stuck to me so I used it- it was supposed to be like a "strong" and "big" man- muscles and shit) looked at them for a second, his eyes resting on Soojin for a while, before letting them through. 

Sunghoon was a little pissed, he didn't exactly like the way that man was staring at Soojin, but at least they made it pretty clear that she was somehow taken. He never exactly asked her to be his girlfriend, maybe he should've, but he thought it was pretty obvious after their several dates. Or was it? 

They never actually said 'I love you to each other' (AN: Or did they? I lost track lol. Well if they did ignore it) if he wasn't mistaken and they haven't really kissed yet- so were they actually a thing? Was he imagining things that weren't there? 

"I can't believe they let us in", Soojin wondered, before jumping up and down in excitement. Sunghoon just smiled and dragged the girl towards the bar to get them something to drink. 

"I want alcohol", Soojin exclaimed. 

"A coke and a beer please", Sunghoon ordered, ignoring the girl completely. The woman behind the counter nodded before giving them their drinks. Before Sunghoon could give the woman his money, Soojin had already done it, smiling at him in obvious satisfaction. The figure skater sighed at her childish behaviour before grabbing his beer. 

"Why didn't you order me one as well?" She pouted, looking at the liquid in the glass. "Do you really think I'd be a good boyfriend if I bought my 16-year-old girl alcohol?" "Well in some countries I'd be allowed to drink already-" 

"Well not in Sunghoon land, now shut up."

"Is that how you treat your girlfriend, hmm?" 

Soojin smiled at that. It felt good saying it. She never dared to do so, but him saying 'boyfriend' kind of confirmed it, allowing her to confidently say it now. And oh man, for a while that will be the only word in her vocabulary. 

They sat down on the stools and held casual conversations, just to get away from all the stress they actually had. One week. But at least they had each other, right? 

The room was really hot and sweaty, and having a conversation was pretty tiring after a while. The music and the huge amount of people covering their voices easily, making them shout at each other to understand at least a little bit. 

"Let's dance, shall we?" Sunghoon then finally asked, after having emptied their drinks. Soojin didn't understand at first but when Sunghoon reached his hand out to her, she gladly took it and followed him to an empty spot on the dance floor. 

Again she was stunned by Sunghoon, who seemed like a pretty decent dancer. But Soojin had to chuckle a little at how obvious it was that Sunghoon did figure skating for so long. At least to her. 

"You shouldn't be laughing with those wooden legs of yours", he motioned towards her legs, that indeed had a hard time moving. "IT'S BECAUSE OF FIGURE SKATING!" She tried to defend herself, becoming a little louder than she wanted, raising the attention of someone she knew too well.

There she was, having fun with that boy Jiyoo hated more than anything else on this planet. Her gaze was set on Soojin, her short dress that Jiyoo would've never allowed her to wear in this kind of place. She always wanted to protect her. And there he was, that boy, ruining everything. Dragging her to this place, probably drowning her in alcohol so he can take advantage of her. Disgusting. 

Even though she still wasn't on good terms with Soojin, she had to interfere. She had to safe her. 


"Oh my god, Jiyoo! I'm so happy to see you! OH THAT RHYMED!" She shouted in excitement, making her boyfriend smile softly, his eyes resting on her, one arm wrapped around her waist, to make it clear that Soojin was taken. 

"I'm- happy as well. Even though I never thought I'd see you at a place like this", the girl said in a reproachful tone, directed to Sunghoon. 

"Well, she's in good hands, isn't she?" He smiled at Soojin who nodded happily, then directing a confident smile towards Jiyoo. Oh, how she hated him. 

"I hate to take her from you-" "Then don't", he was quick to interrupt the girl, making Soojin laugh nervously, realizing that the situation was a little tense. "-but I need to talk to my best friend", she fakely smiled back at him. Soojin's eyes lit upon those words. She officially had a boyfriend and now her best friend wanted to talk to her again? Could this day become any better?

Sunghoon noticed that. even though he really didn't want to, he let go of Soojin. "Fine, I need to go to the toilet anyway. Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone", he directed that last part to Jiyoo before leaving the two. 

"Let's go outside for a quick second, I can't breathe in here", she chuckled and grabbed Soojin's small and soft hand. Oh how much she missed it. Soojin followed her happily, he cheeks slowly starting to hurt from all the smiling. 

As soon as the cold air hit Jiyoo's face her face became a little darker. She didn't exactly know why she was doing this. Wouldn't this harm her as well? She hated to see Soojin sad, but this was the only way to safe her. From him. 

"Thank you for forgiving me", Soojin whispered shyly, not sure if that was actually the case but assuming it from her behaviour. "I could never be angry at you. I just needed time to think, you know?" 

"Think about what?" 

"Me. My future. My future with you." "I thought we had everything planned out? We will go to the same University, share a dorm and go to parties together. You promised me to always look out for me remember?" 

"I do. And I will. But I can't continue like this. I also remember the part where you told me we would go on double dates with our partners." "I did, yeah. Now we only need one for you and then-" "And then nothing. Because my partner is already taken." 

"We can find a new one, just distance yourself from-" "I can't. And I won't. In fact, I'm tired of being the selfless one. The one giving up everything just to make others happy. This time, I will take what I want."


"And that's you, Soojin." 

With that she forced her lips on the confused girl's ones, ignoring the helpless arms of the girl trying to push her away. 

That's how Soojin lost her first kiss. And her first boyfriend. 


The last two sentences are something I'm proud of and hate at the same time. 

Longer chapter to make up for the shorter ones, even though you are going to hate me for it. Whoops. 

Currently trying out Tik Tok btw. For the people that didn't know- everyone- I draw hehe. But I still suck so I won't even try to annoyingly promote myself. Can anyone explain why Tik Tok hates me though, some of them had like 0 views and I had to repost them 10 times to finally have like 100 views? 

Ah fuck, who cares lol. 

Love yaa<3

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