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Jisoo's POV

Jisoo: "Dad, do I really need a personal guard to be with me all the time?"
Dad: "Yes, after what happened to us. You know I want to protect our family. Plus, whoever is hired to guard you will also train the new guards. And you get to choose who gets to do the job."
Jisoo: "Can I suggest a girl?"
Dad: "Hmm, there are a few girl guards trying out as far as I know, so you can choose within them."
I sighed and nodded before going to my room. Who will I choose to be my guard tomorrow? I laid down on my bed and fell asleep.

Y/n's POV.

Dahyun: "Y/n!"
Y/n: "What?"
Dahyun: "I heard people are trying out to be the Princess's guard! You should totally try out!"
Y/n: "Why?"
Chaeyoung: "Oh c'mon!"
Tzuyu: "With your experience, I'm sure you'll be hired."
Jeongyeon: "And it's the Princess of Korea dude! You're missing a huge chance!"

Y/n: "Aish, fine. I'll try out, but only for fun."
Chaeyoung: "What are you going to do when you actually get hired though?"
Y/n: "PFT! I would never get hired, trust me."
I laid down and closed my eyes. So did the others.

The next day we all woke up and walked to the Royal's Kingdom.
Jeongyeon: "Okay, don't be nervous!"
Dahyun: "Keep your cool!"
Y/n: "I'm not even nervous you losers! I used to live here!"

I slapped their arms off my shoulder.
Tzuyu: *laughs* "Whatever dude, we'll be watching."
Guard: "Next!"

Jisoo's POV.

I watched as the guy couldn't even hit the guards once. I sighed.
Jisoo: "Is this all the people trying out?"
Dad: "No, who's up?"
Guard: "Next!"
I was getting bored, but that quickly went away when the first girl came into the small arena and bowed.
Jisoo: "Name?"
???: "Choi Y/n."
Dad: "Please, begin."
She has a nice name.

Y/n's POV.

I was handed a sword as five other guards came and circled me with swords too. One of them swung their sword at me and I dodged it. I moved at a fast pace and beat four of them within a minute. There was one guard left. He threw his sword to the side and put his hands up like he wanted to fight me. I did the same as he swung at me. I dodged it and tackled him. He fell on the floor and was about to get up when I gave him a death glare and pointed at his face. He froze and I heard clapping. It was the Princess.

Jisoo's POV.

I watched in amazement as this Y/n girl beat the guards. They had no chance against her! I watched her fight the last guy. The look she gave him, sent chills down my spine as well and I clapped making her look at me.

Jisoo: "I like you."
She bowed.
Y/n: "Thank you Princess."
Dad: "Where did you learn to fight like that?"
Y/n: "I taught myself ever since I was 5 years old sir, I also fought in the last two wars as a volunteer."
Dad: "Hmm, do you like her?"
I nodded.
Dad: "You're on the list, we'll get back to you."
She bowed again.
Y/n: "Thanks again King Park and Princess Jisoo, I'll be waiting."
She smiled at me before walking out.
Jisoo: "She's good at fighting dad. Can we hire her?"
Dad: *chuckles* "We'll talk more later, we still have more people trying out. She looks oddly familiar though. Oh well, next!"

Y/n's POV.

Tzuyu: "YOU'RE HIRED!?"
Chaeyoung: "Yeah! I heard him say it!"
Y/n: "He said I'm on the list. But there's so many people trying out, I probably won't make it."
Dahyun: "You a flirt, I saw you smile at the Princess."
I laughed.
Y/n: "I'm not gonna get in her pants."
Jeongyeon: "Don't you do that to like every girl you see-
Y/n: "Shut up! If that gets out, I'll never get hired!"
Tzuyu: "I thought you said you didn't want to get hired?"

Chaeyoung: "Yeah Y/n. What happened?"
Y/n: "Nothing! Let's go eat!"
I quickly walked away from them.
Jeongyeon: "What are you not telling us!?"
They chased after me and I ran away while laughing. Something about the Princess, makes me want to be with her more.

Jisoo's POV.

The last guy just finished up and dad really liked him.
Dad: "I think we should hire him!"
Jisoo: "But dad, I'm not comfortable with a guy guard. I prefer a girl like Y/n."
Dad: "But I like that last guy."
Jisoo: "And I prefer a girl."
He sighed.
Dad: "Okay, whatever you're comfortable with sweetie. I'll get Y/n back in a few days so she can start."
I smiled and walked to my room.

A few days later.

Y/n's POV.

We were all still sleeping when I heard knocking from the front door.
Jeongyeon: *groans* "Go answer it Y/n."
Chaeyoung: "Who the hell knocks on a door this early dude?"
Dahyun: "It's literally 7 am!"
Tzuyu: "Tell them to fuck off or else I'll come do it."
I groaned and went to open the door while rubbing my eye. We all slept in the living room last night from watching a movie.

There standing at the door, was the King and Princess. I brushed my hair with my fingers and quickly bowed.

Y/n: "Hello sir and Princess. What can I help you with?"
King Park: *chuckles* "We're here to tell you that you're hired."
My mouth hung open.
Y/n: "Sir, I had no intention of actually being hired-

King Park: "I don't care. Come to the kingdom in 20 minutes. We'll be waiting."
I bowed.
Y/n: "Yes sir, I'll be there shortly."
But the Princess looked me up and down with a smile. They left and I bowed before closing the door. That was weird.

Dahyun: *gasp* "You're leaving?"
I nodded and got ready.
Y/n: "I'll see you guys whenever I come back then."
I finished getting ready. They hugged me before I went to the kingdom.

Guard: "Y/n?"
Y/n: "Yes."
Guard: "This way, please call me Felix."
Y/n: "Okay Felix."
Felix led me to a big room. There were chairs and a table. It looked like a huge living room.
The Princess was sitting right in the middle with her parents. I bowed.

King Park: "Thank you Felix, you can leave now."
Felix bowed before leaving.
King Park: "Y/n right?"
Y/n: "Yes sir."
King Park: "You're here because my daughter needs to be protected. I am trusting you to protect her until the end of your time. If you accept this, you will have to be by her side all the time. That means you will have to stay here in the kingdom and train the new guards. You also must do anything my daughter asks for. Do you accept?"
Y/n: "Yes sir I do."
King Park: "Very well then. The sword?"

One of the guards nodded and handed him a sword. He got up and came towards me with it.
King Park: "This will be your sword. If you hurt any of my people with it, you will be killed by it. Understood?"
Y/n: "Understood sir."
King Park: "Now, drop your blood on the stones if you accept."

He handed the sword to me and I grabbed it. I cut myself a little and let my blood drip on the sizzling stones.

Y/n: "Thank you again sir."
I bowed and he went back to sit on his throne.
Queen Park: "And what do your parents do?"
I swallowed the pain.
Y/n: "T-They're already gone madam."
I heard gasps from the family.
Y/n: "But my four friends take care of me. We've all been taking care of each other since our parents were gone."
Jisoo: "And how long was that?"
I looked at her.
Y/n: "About 8 years Princess."
Jisoo: "I'm sorry-
Y/n: "Oh, you don't have to be sorry Princess! It wasn't your fault."

She giggled a little.
Jisoo: "But still."
Queen Park: "You can start moving your things into the room across from Jisoo's. Your first day starts now."
I nodded.
Y/n: "Of course madam."
I bowed before turning my back on them and walking out. I walked home to pack some stuff.

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