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We made our way downstairs to eat breakfast.

King Park: "Jisoo, so are you gonna settle with the Prince in Japan?"
Jisoo: "Dad, I told you that none of the guys I met caught my eyes. Can you stop asking me about it now?"
King Park: "Honey, you need to pick a Prince to marry. You need to start your own life now."
Jisoo: "And I told you I'm not ready for marriage yet. Let me live my life for a few more years dad."
King Park: "How-

Queen Park: "Of course sweetie, two more years and that's it. We can't keep you any longer than that."
King Park: "What? She needs to-
Queen Park: "I was just like Jisoo, I wasn't ready to get married and my parents let me wait until I was ready. Now here I am, happy with you. Give our daughter some time to find the right one."
King Park: *SIGHS* "Okay. Y/n, how about you? Do you have a lover?"

I smiled.
Y/n: "Yes, I do. I think my lover is perfect for me. I want to marry them soon."
Queen Park: "Wah! Congratulations!"
Y/n: "Thank you."
King Park: "Well, just make sure to invite us to the wedding."
Y/n: "Sure will sir. I want to start a family with my lover too."
Queen Park: "Aw! I can't wait to see how your kiddos turn out! Right Jisoo?"
Jisoo: "Right! I can't wait for your kids to call me mom-uh I mean Aunty!"


We all looked at Jisoo. I played along with it.
Y/n: "Mom?"
Jisoo: "Y-Yeah, like in a fun way. Your husband won't mind right?"
Y/n: "I hope he doesn't, you're like my really close friend too so I'll let my kids call you mom."

Ew, I hate how she just said husband. But you gotta do what you gotta do right?
Queen Park: "Aw, you two are so close now."
Y/n: "I know right? I remember when Jisoo was so shy to talk to me."
Jisoo: "It was only because you always had this mean look on your face! Other than that I would've talked to you sooner!"

We all laughed and cleaned up the table before going on with our day.

After training.

Jisung: "Hey General?"
Y/n: "Yeah?"
Jisung: "I'm having a party at a club later with these guys. Would you like to come with us?"
I smiled.
Y/n: "What's a party without the General am I right?"
Jisung: *laughs* "Correct. Just come in like an hour, it'll just be us guys but you can invite anyone you want."
Y/n: "Sounds good, see you guys then?"
Jisung: "You got it General!"

He ran off with his buddies and I laughed, putting the bows away. Then I left the kingdom to go home.

Tzuyu: "What are you doing here?"
Y/n: "Can I not come home? Anyways, get your ugly asses ready. We got a party to go to."
Jeongyeon: "You're wife doesn't care?"
Y/n: "I didn't even tell her yet. I'm sneaking out to hang with you guys so hurry the hell up."
Chaeyoung: "Okay, give us five minutes."

They finished getting ready and we left. We walked past the kingdom and I thought of telling Jisoo where I was going.

Y/n: "Hey, give me three minutes."
Dahyun: "Aish, you better hurry and tell the wife."
Y/n: "Yeah yeah, I'll be right back."

I stormed inside the halls and heard Jisoo talking and laughing with someone? I turned to the right hall and saw her, with a guy who looked like a Prince because he was all dressed up, so was Jisoo. They were sitting at a table and looking at each other admiringly. I shouldn't have come back to tell her. Is this what she's been doing behind my back? Fine, two can play that game. She looked at me and I walked out of the room.

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