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One week later.

Today I was going back to Korea. I packed my bags and got on the plane.


I got off the plane and saw Jisung. He smiled excitedly and came by me.
Y/n: "What's up with you?"
Jisung: "I was sent to pick you up!"
Y/n: "Wow, lets go then."
He drove us back to the kingdom.
Y/n: "How's the guards doing?"
Jisung: "Well, we just practice all day. I think we've gotten better."
Y/n: "Really? Huh, it's time to spar again."
Jisung: "With you? We're dead then."
We laughed as he pulled up to the kingdom.

Jisung and I walked inside and into the room where the royals were sitting, well just the parents. I bowed.
King Park: "Welcome back Y/n."
Y/n: "Feels good to be back."
Queen Park: "Jisoo is out with Daniel and Felix is with them. They'll be back soon."
Y/n: "Okay, thank you."
I bowed before going to my room. After I unpacked my things, I went to the arena and sparred with the new guards.

Jisoo's POV.

We came back from the store.
Dad: "Y/n's back Jisoo."
My eyes lit up.
Jisoo: "Where is she?"
Mom: *laughs* "In the arena."
I ran to the arena as Daniel followed after me.

Then, I saw her. She smiled at me and I ran to give her a hug.
Y/n: "WOAH!"
Jisoo: "You were gone for so long! I'm gonna yell at you later!"
Y/n: "Okay, but can you get off me for a sec? I have to spar one more guy."
Jisoo: "Oh, sorry."

She pushed me off her a little, I stepped back with Daniel and watched her spar.
Y/n: "Ready Jisung?"
Jisung: "Yep."
They sparred and Changbin almost beat Y/n.
Y/n: "Wah! You're so good now! You made it to group 5 Jisung! Congrats dude!"
She patted his shoulder.
Jisung: "Thanks Y/n! I couldn't have done without you!"
Y/n: *chuckles* "Good, now go home and rest. You did good today."
Jisung: "Yeah, goodnight then General!"
He ran out of the arena and Y/n started packing up.

Daniel: "I want a match."
She looked at him.
Y/n: "Really?"
I stepped in.
Jisoo: "I don't think that's a good idea Daniel. She's been gone for a week, she's rusty. Give her time to-
Y/n: "No, it's fine Jisoo. It's a royal's request so must do it. Here you go and come stand in the circle."
She handed Daniel a sword and stood in the circle. I swear I saw Y/n smirk before saying start.

Daniel swung his sword at Y/n but she caught it with her sword and pushed against it making Daniel fly back. Y/n's moves were fast, faster than Daniel's. Before I knew it, Daniel fell on the ground and Y/n pointed her sword at him.
Y/n: "You're fast, but not fast enough."

She put her sword back in her sheath on her waist and turned around. Daniel grabbed his sword, stood up and tried to slice Y/n's head. But her being a fast person, heard him and ducked. While she ducked, she pulled out her sword and sliced his leg. But Daniel also sliced her shoulder. He screamed in pain trying to play victim, but little did he know my parents saw the whole thing.

I saw Y/n immediately bowed while holding her shoulder.
Y/n: "I apologize for all of this."
Dad: "Stand up Y/n. Kang Daniel, BOW down to us and apologize!"
They switched places.
Daniel: "I deeply apologize for hurting General Y/n. It's my fault, I asked her to spar with me and when she wasn't looking, I attacked her causing both of us to get hurt."
Mom: "Leave."
Daniel got up and wobbled his way out of the castle.

Jisoo: "Y/n, are you okay?"
She was still holding her shoulder.
Y/n: "Y-Yes, I am."
Mom: "Jisoo, help her-
Y/n: "It's fine, I got it. Thanks for the offer."
Dad: "No, Jisoo is helping you."
Y/n: "Alright."
Dad: "Y/n."
She looked at dad.
Dad: "Four other Princesses are coming tomorrow. Get four more personal guards to be with them."
Y/n: "Yes sir."

I helped Y/n into her room.

In her room.

She wasn't talking to me.
Jisoo: "Yah, what's wrong?"
She just looked out the window and I sighed.
Jisoo: "Take your shirt off."
She obligated and I took a closer look at her cut. It was kinda deep but not to the point where I could see the fat.
Y/n: "You don't have to help me. I can do it myself."
Jisoo: "Yah, just let me help you. You've taken care of me for 6 months already."
I poured alcohol on the cut and I saw her clench her fist, her knuckles turned white. Then I bandaged it up.

Y/n: "You can get out now."
I don't know why, but those words hurt me and I just started crying a waterfall.
Jisoo: "Yah! What's wrong with you!? Ever since you got back, you started acting so strange! You pushed me off you and declined my offer to help you! You're even mean to me when you said you would make my life fun while you're with me!"

I turned to leave but she pulled my arm making me sit on her lap. Then she did something unexpected, she hugged me tight and rested her head on my chest. She was so warm even though she wasn't wearing a shirt.

Y/n: "I'm sorry. I have a lot on my mind Jisoo. I'm sorry I took out my anger on you. I won't do it again, I won't do anything to hurt you again. I promise."
Those words and her warmth really comforted me. Something Daniel could never do with me. WAIT! Why am I comparing them!?

Y/n: "Jisoo?"
I hummed.
Y/n: "Your arms are wrapped really tight around my neck."
She said and I let go. Y/n took a deep breath.
Jisoo: "Sorry!"
Y/n: *coughs* "It's okay." *coughs*
I got off her lap and looked at her. She was frowning in confusion. She must've seen my tattoo since I was wearing an off the shoulder shirt.

Jisoo: "What's wrong-
Y/n: "You have the same tattoo as me Ji. But it says 'Queen' instead of 'King'. I'm sorry about this."
Jisoo: "What-
She ripped off my shirt to get a better look at my tattoo on my back.
Y/n: "Oh my god Jisoo."
She covered her mouth.
Jisoo: "What? What is it Y/n?"
Y/n: "Our tattoos...they m-match."
I looked at it, her tattoo and my tattoo, they did match!

"I looked at it, her tattoo and my tattoo, they did match!

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(Y/n's is the left one and Jisoo's the right one.)

Jisoo: "Does, does this mean something?"
I saw her thinking.
Y/n: "Does anyone else know about this?"
Jisoo: "No, just you."
Y/n: "Don't show your parents."
Jisoo: "Why-
Y/n: "Just don't okay? I'm being serious about this."
She grabbed an oversized shirt from her closet and put it on me.
Y/n: "Go, I'll take you to your room."
She held my hand and dragged me to my room.

Y/n: "Thanks for helping me. Goodnight-
Jisoo: "Can you sleep with me?"
Y/n: "Uh...sure."
But I saw she was hesitant? She looked like she didn't want to go into my room but still did.

We went into my room, closing the door behind us.

... ✌️

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