Chapter 15

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When I woke up, I realized it was 7 in the morning. I realized Deidara was still sleeping next to me except... his lips was sucking on my breasts?! The inside I freaked out, causing me to fall off the bed and onto the floor. I was in pain, since I couldn't get back up, because my legs were so numb from last night. I was still naked and that THUD in the room woke Deidara up. Thankfully, no one else heard that, since it was really early in the morning. He got of bed, realized that I was now bleeding on the floor. He picked me up and whispered in my ear, "it's official. Were a 'thing' now."

He picked me up, showered me, placed my clothes on, and placed me on the bed. Let's just say, from my waist down, I couldn't move, so I was now useless. I then realized that it was a work day, so Pain probably had something for us to do.

Deidara told me not to worry, that he would tell Pain in private about what happened, since he did it with Konan. Just the thought of him making me do work while I'm in this condition scared me.

After Deidara had the 'talk' with Leader-sama, Pain actually laughed his ass off. He said, "WOW DEIADARA, YOU'RE A REAL MAN NOW! NOT JUST SOME FIVE YEAR OLD TALKING ABOUT WATERCOLORS!" I and he were both pissed by that comment, since I like art too.

For some reason, I started getting nauseous and thought to myself, this is normal right after having sex, right? Yes toootally. I then used the toilet to throw up, and over, and over, and over again. I was confused of why I was throwing up so much, and I eventually fell asleep next to the toilet.

When I woke up, I realized I was on the bed. My eyes widened, wondering how I got there. I placed my hand on my chin and closed my eyes to think of any possible ways. Before I even had time to think, Deidara walked in with some rice and as bowl of cereal in his hands, while I was still thinking.

I opened my eyes to see him laying a kiss on my forehead, and saying, "Morning princess. I made you breakfast"

I thought my breakfast was the cereal, but it was the rice. I then spoke, "You made yourself cereal because it either took you a long time to make the rice or it was just too difficult, right?"

He widened his eyes in shock and just drowned all the way to the floor.

Dei-dei: "H-How do you know?"

You: "Obvious. It was simple. Any ways, thank you for the food!"

You ate your rice, him eating his cereal next to you. Once both of you were done, you kissed his lips and thanked for the perfect rice.

Dei-dei: "Hey, I'll be right back, ok? We'll work on walking, ok? Then, we can practice going back to normal.

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