Chapter 9

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When I got home, it was surprisingly bare. It looked as if this place had been abandoned centuries ago. I was not scared, but rather disgusted. There was another problem: insects. I have HUGE phobia to insects. I saw them everywhere, and I just started running away. I ran into the deep, shallow, forest nearby. I ran and ran and ran until I realized I was lost. Had been living in the forest ever since I was a baby, and so I decided to use my instincts to find my way home. Sure as I was, I got back. On the way, I picked up a peach I found on the ground. I quickly began easting it, since it had fallen the minute I had walked by it. I was very hungry, and so I finished eating it as if I was a very hungry wolf.

I walked inside, this time brave. I saw that everyone was in the living room watching a scary movie, and so I sashayed to my room, for them to notice that I still existed. I walked up the stairs, into my room, and onto my bed. I organized the books I had just bought, and then I grabbed a cup and poured some soda. I then started texting my friends: Ichika, Sara, and Yui.

I had only started texting, when the three of them started texting as well.

(Y/N): Hey guys!

Sara: Hey gurl!

Ichika: Was sup?

Yui: Long time no see!

(Y/N): It's been a while since I texted you guys, and a while since I saw you guys, physically.

Ichika: Soo true. We miss you like a sister, girl.

Yui: I really wish we could go shopping like we used to before... it nice to hear about you thought.

Sara: Yeah, I wish we could play like when we were little girls again... it's nice to hear that you're alright, right?

(Y/N): Yeah, I'm fine. You guys?

Yui: I'm cool. It's literally cold here in Alaska. OwO

Sara: It's really hot here In El Salvador. On the bright side, at least it's not on 100 degrees!

Ichika: I mean, it's pretty nice here in NYC. It's about the average, which would be 72 degrees to me.

(Y/N): That's nice to know. I got to go guys. See ya!

All three: Bye!

After chatting with them, I heard Konan talking downstairs something about me not coming back from wherever I was going to. I then literally walked down the stairs as if I was a zombie.

When I got down there, I semi-screamed to them:

"Are you guys THAT blind?!"

Everyone jumped off the couch as I screeched at them. They all started looking at each other as if they had ACTUALLY gone blind. I then starting explaining to them everything that happened to me, and how they should be more aware of their surroundings. I eventually got soo sick and tired of explaining that to them that I eventually left to go get my cloak. When I went outside, I realized a pack of wolves' were waiting for me. I then transformed into a wolf, since I was raised by wolf packs. Once I had fully transformed, I began talking wolf, and they kept answering back.

I eventually found out this was my wolf mom and her kids. I said hi and told explained to them my entire life situation. They kept telling me when I was going to have a family. I just shrugged in the wolf form. That's when I heard Konan calling my name from the base. I said good-bye and transformed back and I went to greet her after about an hour and a half.

When I walked in everyone looked at me suspiciously. I just started at them with the why-are-you-staring-at-me-like-that face.

Kisame: " do I explain this...Why are you covered in FEATHERS?"

Zetzu: "Yeah, you're making me hungry."

Deidara: "You literally look like a bird, from that weird cloak-"


I the transformed into a wolf again, and they gave me whoa-you-can-do-that?! And the OH-MY-GOD-YOU-LOOK-SO-CUTE faces. Think of me this way:

  And then after I transformed into the not-so-cute-wolf:

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And then after I transformed into the not-so-cute-wolf:

That may not look so scary, but that's kind of close to what I look like

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That may not look so scary, but that's kind of close to what I look like. Except I show all my teeth and I don't file my nails. Wolves don't do that.

I the transformed back into my human self, leaving behind a hungry Zetzu, a shocked Kisame and Itachi, a scared and hugging each other Yahiko and Konan, a whatever-face on Nagato, a crying Tobi, and a about-to-explode-or-poison-myself-face on Deidara and Sasori. I walked back happy as if that was the best thing that has ever happened to me.

After a long day of me laughing at everyone, we all went to sleep. Meanwhile I was starting to doze off, I felt something open my door. Ever since I was child, I was scared of what could be hiding in the dark. Whoever was trying to come in was NOT making my phobia status any better. I closed my eyes shut, and prepared myself to fight whoever this was. I prepared myself by grabbing my English longbow and then... I shot.

Whatever the thing was, it shouted, "OUCH!" I turned on the lights to see Deidara bleeding on the floor. Quickly, I grabbed some bandages and I started to heal him, as I did all the time.

(Y/N): "Deidara I am soo sorry, but why would come into my room like that?"

Deidara: "Konan told me to check on you, so that's what I did. Now I have to be check-upped, un. This sucks, yeah."

(Y/N): "Honestly, that was kind of your fault. You could have at least knocked or something. If I didn't answer, THEN you could just walk in."

Deidaraslowly started dozing off, since it was late at night. 

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