Chapter 23 Differing Stances

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No one's POV

Currently, everyone is in Mementos and they're currently standing at the entrance, thinking of a code name for Makoto.

Panther: This is gonna be a tough one.

Skull: Yeah...Maybe something like "Shoulder pads?"

Tenor: Trash.

Mona: Why'd you focus on that?

Makoto: Pass.

Fox: "Rider"?

Makoto: Sounds too much like a courier. Pass.

Tenor: And a Servant.

Panther: "Fixer"?

Makoto: I'm not a mastermind though, pass...

Tenor: You could be.

Makoto just looked at Tenor annoyed.

Skull: Any ideas, Joker?

Joker: Nope.

Panther: What about you, Tenor?

Tenor looked up and down at Makoto and smiled.

Tenor: Do you want an serious answer or s funny one?

Makoto: That depends, do you want me to smack you or not smack you?

Tenor: Oh, you wouldn't.

Makoto: Are you sure about that?

Tenor then got in Makoto's face and smiled at her and she started blushing like crazy and Panther had a jealous look.

Tenor: I'm pretty sure.

Makoto then pushed Tenor's face back, still blushing.

Makoto: Just give me a serious answer please?

Tenor: Alright, Queen.

Makoto: Queen?

Panther: That's not bad!

Skull: It's scary how well it fits.

Makoto: "Queen" huh?

Makoto then smiled at Tenor.

Queen: Yeah, I'll go with that.


It's the next day after school and currently Nhzual is walking to the station and as he's walking, he ran into Kasumi.

Kasumi: Nhzual Senpai.

Nhzual: Yes, I am Nhzual.

Kasumi: What a pleasant surprise. Are you headed home too?

Nhzual: That was my current plan.

Kasumi: Same here. I don't have club practice today. That reminds me, there's something I wanted to report to you. Would now be a good time?

Nhzual: I don't see why not.

Kasumi: Thank you. Why don't we find a seat somewhere?

???: Huh? Nhzual?

Nhzual and Kasumi looked over and saw Akechi walking over.

Nhzual: Sup, Dr. Kurahashi.

Akechi then looked at Kasumi.

Akechi: And you are...

Kasumi: It's been quite awhile, Akechi.

Akechi: And the same to you, Kasumi.

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