Justice Confidant Rank 4 and 5

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No one's POV

Currently, Nhazul is with Akechi, as he's taking him to what appears to be a jazz club.

Akechi: This is it. It's a rather nice place. It's not quite an apology for that little incident back at the cafe, but rest assured we're safe here. I'm a regular. It's nice to take some time off when we can, don't you think?

Nhazul: So...What kinda place is this?

Akechi: It's just jazz club. You get to hear some great performers here.

Nhazul: Oh? Sounds pretty interesting.

Akechi: I'm glad you're so taken with it. Is it safe to assume you've visited places like this before?

Nhazul: Not really, but I have listened to this type of music before.

Akechi: Well, in any case, let's head in.

Both Nhazul and Akechi walked into the jazz club and sat at a table.

Akechi: Well then, why don't we get some drinks?

Nhazul: Umm, I'd take ice cold beer.

Akechi just chuckled at Nhazul.

Akechi: You day that so deadpan, it almost sounds like you're serious.

Nhazul: Who says I'm not?

Akechi: I'll pick some drinks, then, shall I? There aren't any soft drinks you actually dislike, right?

Nhazul: Do they have any blue drinks?

Akechi: I believe they do.

Nhazul: Then I shall take a blue drink. It's a known fact, 99% of blue drinks are delicious.

After Akechi ordered their drinks, someone brought them over and the performer walked on stage.

Akechi: Looks like it's starting. Let's sit back and enjoy the show.

As the performer continued to sing , Akechi spoke up.

Akechi: Whew...How relaxing. I really do like coming here.

Nhazul: It's definitely relaxing.

Akechi: I'm glad to hear you say that. Work and obligations rage me to quite a few restaurants and cafes, but this place is a little more special to me. I guess you can call it my go to place. Do you have anywhere like that?

Nhazul: Hmmmm, I guess you can call it a rundown cafe.

Akechi: Is that so? Now I'm intrigued...You should show me the place sometime.

Nhazul then told Akechi about his living situation at Leblanc.

Akechi: So you came to Tokyo on your own, and you and your friend live in a cafe loft...impressive. It's like something out of a story. Though I have to say, I'm envious. You must be quite well stocked on coffee and curry.

Nhazul: Oh, you have no idea.

Akechi: I live alone myself, but I rarely have time to cook my own meals...That reminds me, do you cook?

Nhazul: I can.

Akechi: Very impressive. I don't have much experience myself. Even my efforts in cooking class have been underwhelming. In particular, an attempt to fillet a fish went...poorly.

Nhzual: I guess there's something's the great detective can't do.

Akechi: It would seem so. I usually come here when I need some time to really think on my own. So chatting with you here is really quite refreshing. You know, you're actually the first person I've ever brought here...

Nhazul: Oh?

Akechi: It's not like I was keeping it from anyone, but I suppose it goes to show we didn't have some strange connection.

Nhazul: I guess so.

Arcana Justice Rank 4


Currently, Nhazul and Akechi are at the arcade, after he asked Nhazul to meet him.

Akechi: Sorry for dragging you out here. I was out gathering intel, and I noticed some patrons playing this...I did a bit of research. Apparently it's a pretty hardcore shooter. Do you normally play games like these?

Nhazul: I do.

Akechi: Oh, maybe you've played this one before?

Nhazul: Hmmmm...

Nhazul then thought about playing the game with Makoto and how serious she gets.

Nhazul: That's a pretty accurate assumption.

Akechi: Well, I can only ask that you go easy on me.

Nhazul and Akechi then started playing the shooter and they were drawing a crowd from how well the two of them were playing but ended up tieing.

Akechi: Phew! My fingers are going to be sore tomorrow. What a realistic game.

Nhazul; From the way you were playing, it seems you're used to gun play.

Akechi: Ah, you noticed? Well, I'll need as much practice as I can get if I'll going to take you out.

Nhazul looked at Akechi confused.

Nhazul: Take me out...?

Akechi: Only a joke. I'm new to this, I'm afraid. Perhaps we'll chalk up to beginner's luck. Still, this did feel a bit nostalgic for me.

Nhazul: How so?

Akechi: I had a toy gun like this when I was young, you know. All this reminded me of running around the house with it, playing hero...

Nhazul: That's pretty hard to imagine, but I can see where you're coming from.

Akechi: What kind of person do you imagine me to be? But there are different kinds of heroes, of course. Different stances they define themselves by. For example, one may stick to the vision of justice they believe in, even if others deny it...While another may simply do as others desire of them, seeking to be recognized and gratified as a hero. So? Which of those two fits more your conception of a hero?

Nhazul: Neither, really. A hero can be defined in many different ways. There's no right answer for what makes someone a hero.

Akechi: Interning. That's a very interesting answer. Ah, sorry. I suppose that was a strange tangent...Pardon me. Whenever I talk with you, I just can't help delving into these abstract topics...

Arcana Justice Rank 5

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