Chapter 70 Explanations

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No one's POV

Currently, Nhazul, Akira and Morgana were all walking to school and Nhazul was telling them what Elizabeth had said.

Akira: You saw Elizabeth last night?

Morgana: And she told you that?

Nhazul: Yeah.

Morgana: We should tell everyone too. Let's meet up after school.

???: Um...uh...

The three of them looked ahead and saw Sumire standing in front of them.

Nhazul: Morning.

Sumire: Good morning...

Nhazul: How do you feel?

Sumire didn't say anything and looked at Nhazul saddened.

Sumire: Senpai....I'm sorry...I'm so sorry... I can't believe what I tried to do to you... I genuinely cannot apologize enough for what happened...

Nhazul: Sunire, you don't have to apologize to me. It wasn't your fault. But back to my question. How have you been.

Sumire: Physically, I'm fine...But mentally? To be entirely honest, I'm all mixed up...

Akira: Are you okay?

Sumire: My memories are still pretty fuzzy and I haven't really processed everything yet...I'm going to need a little time to myself to think things through... I have to figure out what to do with myself from here on...

Nhazul just smiled at Sumire.

Nhazul: Don't worry about it. Take all the time you need.

Sumire: Thank you, Senpai...


It's after school and everyone was at Leblanc and Nhazul told them what happened last night.

Makoto: Elizabeth said that she would give us more information at a later date? How would we even contact her if it's difficult for her to be in this reality?

Haru: So when it comes down to it, we'll have the fight Dr. Maruki, right?

Morgana: That's right. We have to confront Maruki and steal his desire. It's just business as usual.

Ann: Dr. Maruki's an adult with a warped desire, but...That desire's just a wish for all of us to be happy, right?

Morgana: I admit, it's nothing similar to tbd desires we've seen in the likes of Shido and Kamoshida.

Haru: The Phantom Thieves only charge the hearts of evildoers. Dr. Maruki is quite different from our past targets...

Ryuji: Well, I think we already know what we gotta do. Haru's right, Dr. Maruki ain't a shitty adult at all. There's probably plenty of folks out there living all happy in this reality...Who knows? Maybe Dr. Maruki's actually doin the right thing. But we all still fell like this reality's wrong, right? We decide what's right for ourselves. That's what we all agreed on when we went after Nhazul in the Palace. If changing Dr. Maruki's heart fixes our reality, then I'm gonna do it.

Everyone didn't say anything and just looked at Ryuji.

Ryuji: Uh, so...Somebody, say something...

Nhazul: Huh...

Makoto: Ah! Sorry... I was just thinking about how right you are, Ryuji.

Yusuke: So we're going to change our target's heart not to reform society, but to acquire the reality we believe in. That doesn't sound too bad.

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