6. Like Magic

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6. Like Magic

(Lucas Robert Hemmings^^)
*drools all over the place*

Throughout the week, Ashton had not spoken one word to anyone. He kept his head down and his thoughts to himself as he struggled through the long school days alone.

He wasn't actually alone, he just made it seem like he was. Michael tried talking to him, he probably annoyed him actually. Ashton just shrugged everything off and avoided eye contact as much as possible.

It hurts me to see him like this. Especially since I could be there to help him, but something's holding me back. I don't really understand what it is. So why does it have this hold on me?

I don't know.

"Marie watch this!" Michael picked up a black electric guitar and started playing runs, up and down the neck of the guitar. His head bobbed up and down as the Luke and Calum watched him in annoyance.

Choir class 8th hour has really grown on me. So much that I stay after school with the boys to mess around. These boys had musical talent like I've never seen before. Where they get it from, I don't know. I could tell Ashton had it bottled up inside him, he would always tap his feet or drum his pencils on his desk. Now, I don't know if he had put that to use or not.

He was slumped over in a chair, head in the palms of his hands as he stared at the floor. I was only a few chairs away from him, trying to focus my attention on Mikey but getting distracted about Ashton instead.

He looked tired, his eyes had become red and his energy level was low. Everyday activities had become tiring for him, he would walk slower, eat carelessly, and end up never doing his homework.

"Thats nothing mate!" Luke grabbed a yellow electric guitar in a stand a few feet away and hopped up onto an amplifier. He looked over at me who was intently focused on Ashton, "Macy," I looked over to him, "You ready?"

I smiled and put my hands into my lap, watching the boy as he played multiple chords in a row and slipped into a run. His fingers moved with ease across the neck of the guitar, almost like magic.

Mikey threw his hands in the air and looked around the empty choir room, mocking annoyance. He whispered something to Calum as Luke jumped down from the amplifier, still playing easily, he walked over to me.

I laughed as he pretended to be the guitarist from "Kiss" as he stuck out his tongue and did some screamo thing.

I watched his facial expressions change as he concentrated on the instrument in front of him, he licked his lips and bit on his lip ring. A few strands of hair fell from its quiff and hung in front of his eyes.

I never really noticed how attractive Luke was, his eyes were crystal blue, which was personally one of my weaknesses.

His eyes met mine as he played and he let out a small chuckle as he finished playing the last note.

I clapped as I watched Calum mutter something under his breath and grab a black bass guitar. He straddled his legs and let the bass swing in front of him as he thought about what to play.

I looked over at Ashton, who had yet to say anything. Or move from his position for that matter.

Music filled the room as Calum played something complex on the bass, his fingers moving up and down the neck as his cheeks became a warm shade of red.

Ashton ran his hands through his wavy hair as he listened to Calum play, his breathing was heavy and I could tell he was not okay.

He might break down again at any moment. I pointed my focus onto Mikey, who was also looking at Ashton. His face was etched with concern and I knew he was thinking about what happened only 5 days ago.

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