You're... Leaving?!

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"FINE!! YOU WANNA LEAVE AND GO BE WITH THOSE... THOSE LIGHT SIDES!! THEN GO DO IT!" Remus screamed. He was so sick of this. Janus watched the trashy man with shock and disbelief. "WELL?! ARE YOU GONNA LEAVE!?! GET THE FUCK OUT!!" He screamed. Janus slowly grabbed his hat, and walked out the door. Remus watched, and once the snake side was gone, he collapsed. He was truly alone now...

He stood up and ran out of the castle to the imagination. He ran and ran until he couldn't anymore. He was tired and out of breath. Tears fell down his cheeks at a rapid rate, and he was shaking.

Virgil sensed a sad and anxious presence in the imagination. "Ro?" He asked. "Yes?" He heard from the kitchen. "Shit." He muttered and got up. Where was Janus?! He bolted out the door, leaving the prince side confused. He froze when he got to the imagination. Remus was there, wrists bloody and bruised, a razor in one hand. He was shaking and crying. "I'm alone... They don't care... They hate me..." All the words Remus muttered out felt like bullets going through the emo's heart.


"LEAVE ME ALONE!! YOU ALL LEFT ME HERE SO WHY ARE YOU-?!" Remus was cut off by the emo grabbing him and hugging him tightly. Remus was shocked, but finally gave in and hugged Virgil back, sobbing his eyes out.

"I'm never leaving you again..." The emo whispered out.

The lights watched with horror at the scene playing before them. They didn't realize how much pain the intrusive side was in.

"What have we done...?"




Remus Sanders Angst Where stories live. Discover now