Age Regression...

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TW: Age Regressions, PTSD, nightmares, sad boi Remus.


Remus curled up tightly in the sheets. He was in his age regression, so at this point in time he was mentally(and physically) only around 3 or 4 years old. The thing is, sides can change their forms as needed, and during age regression, their form changes as well. So, here Remus was, a small child curled in his black and green sheets and comforter. The boy started to cry, he hated being alone. He started having flashbacks to before he was found by Janus. He was alone in the forest, calling for his brother. He was cold, alone and scared. He screamed, sitting up in bed. He had fallen asleep while crying and had a nightmare. Remus curled up and layed back down, crying more.

Virgil growled. Why the hell wasn't Remus picking up?! "Logan, can you go find Remus and tell him to pick up his damn phone please." Logan simply shrugged and nodded yes, marking his page and then standing and walking out the door.

He made it to the castle fairly quickly, and walked in. He didn't bother knocking since Remus never knocked either. One of his brows raised, hearing a child crying. He walked up the steps and towards the sound.

He was shocked when he saw Remus, the CHILD version, of Remus. He ran to his side. "Hey, hey hey hey! It's okay, it's alright, I'm here..." Logan said, picking to small child up and rocking him gently back and forth. "It's alright. You're safe now. I got you." Logan comforted the child.

Logan had A LOT of explaining to do when he got back, but thankfully, they all let Remus move in so he'd be safer in his age regression form.



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