Chapter 1: Burnt Birthday Mac n' Cheese

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First chapter! Anyway, so there is some fluff near the end. There is lams in this chapter. Hope y'all enjoy!

Lafayette PoV:
Today is monsieur Jefferson's birthday. In the kitchen is complete chaos. "HOW THE HELL DO WE MAKE MAC N CHEESE?!" Alexander screeches from on top of the counter. "c'est censé être une surprise Hamilton!" Lafayette snaps at Alex. "faites taire vos nouilles molles." I hear Alexander mumble behind me. "Mon ami Herc! Non! Non!" Lafayette says while running over to Hercules.

Hercules PoV:
Laf and Alex are arguing in French on the other side of the kitchen, Jefferson is out with Madison, Eliza, Aaron and Angelica are decorating, and I'm here with Peggy trying to make Mac n cheese. Since neither of us know what we're doing, so we're going by the box. "Ow!" Peggy exclaims, running cold water over her finger. Looking over at the burner, I find the cardboard box with the directions slowly melting. "Damn it. Well there goes the instructions." Herc says flatly. Lafayette runs over yelling "Mon ami Herc! Non non!" As I go to move the cardboard off the burner. "non Herc n'y touche pas!" Lafayette scolds. "I don't know what you are saying Laf." Rolling his eyes in response, Laf shuts off the burner and carefully removes the cardboard box.

John's PoV:
I just finished feeding my turtle named Shelldon when the fire alarm goes off. Walking over to the kitchen, this is what I saw; Alexander is on the counter, pushing buttons on the fire detector in hopes of making it stop, Lafayette trying to read the fire extinguisher directions with Eliza's help, Angelica and Burr still decorating, Hercules is wacking the fire with a fly swatter, and Peggy is roasting marshmallows over the burning cardboard. I glance over at Peggy before grabbing some water and extinguishing the fire. "Hey! John I was roasting marshmallows!" Peggy complains, playfully crossing her arms. Lafayette and Herc go over to help Alexander shut off the fire detector. Once everything settled down, we were left with a crispy, black container of Mac n' Cheese. "Well I guess this is Jefferson's birthday Mac n cheese." Peggy snickers at this comment. "Hey guys. Jefferson is here." Alex says in a bored tone.

~time skip brought to you by Shelldon the Turtle~

Alexander PoV:
Mac n cheese isn't supposed to be that hard to make right? Wrong. So very wrong. A burnt chunk of Mac and cheese is what Thomas is getting for his birthday. Apparently, NONE of us know how to read and follow directions. "Hey guys. Jefferson is here." Alexander blankly states. "Alright Hamilton. Don't strangle Jefferson. Whatever you do, don't strangle Jefferson." Thomas is standing in the doorway, a questioning look on his face. Looking over at Herc, unsuccessfully stabbing through a brick of burnt noodles with candles. "I'm pretty sure that is a choking hazard and probably classified as food poisoning." Complete silence. After about what felt like 5 minutes, Peggy put a bow on the burnt noodle brick. Picking it up, she walked over to Thomas, pushing the brick into his hands and started to sing Happy Birthday. Or a version of it. "Uhh happy birthday? You've been alive this long? Good job on not dying?..." Alex sang along with Peggy, and eventually everybody joined in. Once we finished our terrible off-key song, (if you could even call it that) Jefferson thanked us awkwardly before smacking the bow on my head.

Thomas PoV:
James and I hung out for the day, while the others were doing a secret project. Walking into the kitchen, I was greeted by silence and Hercules trying to stab a black brick-like object with candles. After a bit, Peggy got up and stuck a bow onto the object. She gave it to me, and started singing a interesting version of Happy Birthday. After the song was done, I looked over to James before thanking them. "Um thanks?" An amazing idea hit me. "Alexander is going to strangle me after this, but its gonna be worth it." Swiftly making his way over to Alex, he takes the bow and smacks it onto Hamilton's head. As I move to make my escape, I hear a shout from behind me. "JEFFERSON IM GONNA STRANGLE YOU!!" Yep. I should run.

John PoV:
Thomas bolts out of the room after sticking the bow to Alex's head. Alexander screeches while running after Thomas, "I WILL STRANGLE YOU JEFFERSON!!" Laughing echoes around the kitchen as Angelica, Eliza, Aaron and James go to stop Alex from killing Thomas. Lafayette, Herc, Peggy and I all stay in the kitchen to catch our breath. We go to clean up the disaster we made, as Hamilton chasing and threatening Jefferson. Alexander finally gave up, flopping onto the couch beside me, exhausted. "You finally ran out of energy. I never thought I would see the day that the Alexander Hamilton would run out of energy." I tease, pulling him closer. "I am not out of energy! I just need some rest.." He trails off, attempting to keep his eyes open. Alex gives in, falling asleep on my shoulder. John reaches over Alexander, grabbing a blanket and draping on top of the sleeping figure snuggling beside him. "He's cute when he's like this. I want this moment to last forever." Resting my head on top of his, the room goes black as I nap with him. (wow. That was really fluffy and cute!)

~Time skip brought to you by Fluffy Lams Moment~

Peggy PoV:
Angelica and Eliza dragged me along for another shopping trip after the surprise 'party' for Thomas. We stopped back at the house to drop off bags. I bolted into the house, hoping that I could get out of shopping. Sliding into the living room, I hold back a excited squeal. Peggy gets her sisters and shows them what she found. On the couch, Alexander is curled up beside John, head on Johns chest. John is laying his own head on top of Alexander's, snuggling the smaller figure. In a flash, all three girls have their phones out, taking pictures and quietly discussing it among themselves. I add a turtle pillow, a lion pillow and another blanket. The sisters sneak back to their room, giggling the whole way there. "More proof for the evidence board." Peggy adds the pictures to the cork board labeled: John+Alexander<3! The board is filled with pictures of John and Alexander together, clearly being in love with each other. Alex denies being attracted to John. And John says that they're just friends. Suuure. (¬ω¬)

Word count: 1124
I really like this chapter. It took me ages, but its done! See y'all nest chapter!
( > w < )
/ >❤️

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