Chapter 2: Its Just a Storm

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~ lams fluff warning~
fluffy chapter coming at y'all. So hope y'all enjoy this chapter. I've noticed I really like writing fluff and I'm okay at it. Ok im done chatting. Enjoy!

John PoV:
It's a cold fall Saturday, so I'm watching A Dolphins Tail and A Dolphins Tail 2. I've seen the movies a million times, but that doesn't mean I still love them. Hugging his turtle pillow, Alexander sneaks up behind John, covers his eyes and with a huge grin, he sings, "Guess who!" The freckly male chuckles, playing along. "I don't know. Hmm. Are you Peggy?" "No! John its me! Alex!" He pouts, jumping over the couch to join John. "What are ya watching?" Alexander asks, scooting closer to John. "Dolphins Tail and Dolphins Tail 2." I answer, looking at him. By now, Alex is sitting on John's lap, attempting to wrap a blanket around the two. After about 2 minutes of Alexander struggling and turning down John's offers to help, he finally got it. The smaller male snuggles in and lays his head on John's chest.

Third person PoV:
As Alex lays his head on Laurens chest, John turns a deep shade of red, mumbling rapidly. Alexander looks up at John, pecks him on the cheek, and hides his blushing face in the crook of John's freckled neck. "Im sorry! I-I wasn't thinking! Please forgive me Johnny!" Hamilton apologizes, his words muffled by the turtle pillow. "Its okay Lexi. I'm not mad. Just taken by surprise is all." A sudden flash of lighting shines through the window, startling the two.

Alexander PoV:
A flash of light came through the window, making both John and I jump. Tears form in my eyes as memories from the hurricane come flooding back. Nuzzling my face deeper into Johnny's neck, I try to hold back my tears so I don't worry John. "Alexander, are you alright? Are you crying?" I feel his hand rubbing my back. The sound of thunder rings through the room, as Alex buries himself into John. Shuddered breathing comes from Alexander, as hot tears fall from his eyes onto Laurens shirt. I break down as the wind throws branches at the window. "Hey hey hey. Its okay Lexi. Its just a storm." John comforts me, squeezing me tighter. "I-I'm so sorry! I-I must b-be so annoying.." "No! You are not annoying! You're an amazing writer, incredibly stubborn, and you're my boyfriend." After John said that, I heard his heart beat faster, and feel my own face blossom into bright red.

Thomas PoV:
Walking in the house, I look terrible! My hair is all frizzy, leaves everywhere, magenta rain coat soaked in mud, those sharp ass rocks in my sneakers, and I've already gotten scratches on my face from that stupid tree branch that smacked me in the face. I hang up my coat, and head towards the bathroom to dry myself off. After drying off, Thomas goes to his coat picket to grab the Advil and Tylenol for James. He never knows which one to get so he gets both. Walking to James and my room, I don't see anything out of the ordinary. Jemmy is out cold burritoed in 30+ blankets, empty tissue boxes scattering the end of his bed, a mini cabinet full of medicine and a first AID kit, his inhaler on top of the medicine cabinet, and ice packs in a cooler labeled 'James Madison's ice packs.' Opening the medicine cabinet, Thomas places the Tylenol and Advil in the designated spots. Before I walk out, I check James temperature and gives him a light kiss on his forehead. Being careful that I don't wake Jemmy, I close the door quietly. Swiftly moving to the living room, I see the TV sporting the message:

"Are you still watching Dolphins Tail 2?"

"Ha. Obviously Laurens is here." Jefferson smirks, continuing his way through the room. I stop in my tracks, quickly snapping a photo of what was in front of me. "I've have to tell Lafayette about this!" Scampering to Hercules and Lafayette's room, I see my cousin sitting on the floor, attempting to figure out a Rubik's cube. Looking up to see who had approached him, Laffy Taffy raises an eyebrow at Jefferson, before motioning him to sit down.

Lafayette PoV:
"Comment diable les gens résolvent-ils les cubes de Rubik?!" I frustratingly mutter to myself. I decided to try this out because I was bored and being out in a storm is not my favorite thing. The storm stopped a while after I hear the exasperated sigh of the one and only Magenta Menace. Fixated on the cube, he failed to notice Thomas standing in the doorway. I glance up from the cube for a second, and wave magenta menace over to sit beside me. Thomas shows Laffy Taffy the photo of what he found.

Third person PoV:
Alexander and John are cuddling on the couch, the freckled one giggling as Alex buries deeper into the warmth of John's body. "You're to cute for this world." John coos, earning a muffled "im not cute. Im fierce." From Hamilton. "And for that, here's a surprise for you Laurens!" Alexander mischievously thought, ready to catch Johnny off guard. Alex swept in, and stole a kiss from John. Out of shock, John let out a squeak, catching the two off guard. "I didn't think that you would squeak." Alexander mused, shifting his gaze to a now red mess by the name of John. "Ha ha. You don't look much better." John shot back playfully, causing the smaller male to blush uncontrollably. "Sh-shut up!" Alexander stuttered, his blush getting harder to hide. "You know you love me." John adds while cuddling Alex. A yawn as a response, he snuggles close to John and falls asleep listening to his steady breathing pattern. It had stopped raining, but there still was some thunder here and there. Thunder echoed in the house, causing Alexander to shudder, but John made him feel safe. The two napped together, not a care in the world.

Lafayette PoV:
"je l'ai compris!" Lafayette shouts in triumph. I hear a thunk, followed by "Ow.!" I spin on my heels to see magenta menace rubbing his shoulder. "Must you be so abrupt?!" Thomas glares at me, still rubbing his shoulder. "My apologies mon ami." Lafayette apologizes, picking up the solved Rubik's cube. "Cool. Nice job Laf." Jefferson acknowledged. "Well I'm heading out to cook some soup for James." Magenta menace called over his shoulder as he walked to the kitchen. "Madison is sick again. Thomas must be exhausted from caring for James all the time. I know that James would do the same for Thomas, if he wasn't the one always sick." Lafayette pondered on that, then decided to read the script of Lin Manuel Miranda The Musical.

Word count: 1185

Thanks for reading this chapter. It took me some time to get it done, but I managed. Hope you enjoyed, and please leave your requests in the request chapter. Next chapter is a request from Kiowagirl

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