Time To Fight!! The Strawhats New Crewmate??

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Upon getting off her small, wrecked boat at the docks, Ghost looked around past the edges of her hood. Behind her, her measly little dingy boat sank into the darkness below. That was her queue to make heist, and fast.
Ghost never liked docking at a new town. She knew the reputation she had, and she knew what would follow her arrival. But she knew she had to be here. She had to meet him. He would have all the answers she needed. He could set her free.
     The king of the pirates.
     With the powers she had, she knew he was the only person she could go to. Although she doubted he would simply just tell her the location of the One Piece, it was worth a try. Anything he could say would be helpful to her. She was stuck. She needed a way out, and she needed a good excuse.
     Gold Roger.
     She knew exactly where to go.

     She waited until nightfall so no one would catch her, and with one swift jump, she was on top of where the late pirate king stood for the very last time. And there he sat in a pale blue glow.
     "Hello Gold."
     The apparition turned his head in shock. His eyes wide, "Well I'll be damned. Its been a long time since ive had a visitor like you."
     "I'm sure..." Ghost sat down next to him.
     "You must be that Cutthroat lass I've been hearing so much about."
     "So they do talk about me, that's good to know."
     Gold chuckles, and turns to her, "So why come all the way here?"
     "I crave adventure. And it would be silly of me to not at least attempt to ask you where it is."
     "You know I can't do that, lass."
     She huffs and smiles, "It was worth a try..."
     "But i can tell you this..."
     Her attention not on him fully.
     Gold continued, "The next person to find their way up here may have an answer for you. They may not have the one piece, but they sure have something you haven't seen in a long time."
     "Oh yeah? I've seen almost everything though."
     She went silent. "I don't need friends."
     "Says who?"
     "Listen I dont think this was as helpful as I needed it to be." Ghost stood and dusted herself off. "Would you like me to return?"
     "Only if you're strong enough for what I have yo say to you. Running wont help, Cutthroat."
     And with that, she dashed into the night, returning when she could.

What a waste of time...

Luffy jumped up and down in excitement, launching himself over the railing and onto the docks to meet a tipsy, cocky Ghost.
     "So, are we fighting right here?!"
     "Where else would we fight, Monkey?? Right here on this dock." Ghost propped herself steady and gripped her axe handle and sloppily swinging down at her side. "Got a weapon?"
Luffy cracked his knuckles and got into a battle ready stance, "Nuh uh. I don't need any."
"That's a bold claim, Straw Hat. You sure you don't wanna back out yet?" Ghost readies herself, stumbling a little as she hiccups. "It ain't too late."
     Luffy's face becomes something a bit more serious. It resonated with Ghost. He wanted a fair fight.
     Ghost seemed to sober up immediately. She shook her head, her hands, rolled her neck in a symphony of cracks and pops. The look in her eyes, which were peeking over her purple sunglasses, matching her opponent. The crew on the Merry were sweating bullets. Zoro took a considerable amount of distance between the two, but was captivated and ready to jump in if needed. He shot a look up to Sanji to confirm they were on the same page. He was. Nami and Usopp shared looks of horror, nearly grabbing onto each other.

     "On your mark, Monkey."
     He snickers to himself, and then steps back, readying his clenched fist behind him.
     Ghost, now with an incredible smile on her face, clutches onto her axe with great strength and readies herself further, getting low to the ground.
In a flurry if fists, Ghost almost seemed to disappear. Everyone looked around to find her, Luffy aiming everywhere he can.
"GumGum Fruit, huh? Not to shabby, captain!"
Everyone looked up and made eye contact with her, probably hundreds of feet up in the sky. Her eyes glowed a ghastly blue under her glasses, and she appeared light as a feather. She pondered for a moment, smiled, and threw her axe to the ground away from the dock. While everyone was focused on the falling weapon, Ghost zipped through the air right for Luffy. With a gust of dust surrounding them, its revealed that Luffy was blocking her punches as she floated in front of him, looking as if he was resisting a gull grown mans weight and then some. The smile never left his face.
"What was that about?"
"I said I wanted a fair fight. Now that i know you've got devil fruit powers, this got a bit more interesting."
"C'mon, you think that axe is too much for me?"
As if on cue, the massive axe hit the ground like a trillion pound weight. The ground shook under their feet, making Luffy lose his balance. Ghost wasted no time kicking his feet out from under him and tossing him by his wrists into the cloud if dust the axe had made. Once her feet hit the ground, she bolted after him.
     Nothing could be seen from outside the dust cloud. Zoro, who was still sitting on the ground, couldn't help but stare in awe. He had to see for himself how heavy that axe was...
     "Could you shut up for two seconds?! This isn't my fight yet!!" Zoro made eye contact with the rest of the crew, "I know what I said. But I can assure you she wont kill Luffy. Trust me on this one."
      Nami looked up at Sanji, who simply nodded and kept watching. Knowing she wouldnt get anywhere, her and Usopp shared a worried glance and continued to watch as well.

     The sounds of punching and grunting became louder as the dust dissipated. Ghost and Luffy were sparring at incredible speeds, occasionally stopping to rest, and then going right back at it. Luffys arms and legs would stretch back and fourth, Ghost would flip and jump and dodge, it almost looked like she was floating. The whole time, they both had the biggest smiles on their faces.
They went at it for what seemed like an hour. Luffy looking like he was about to fall apart, Ghost counterattacking everything he threw at her. Both of them began to grow tired. "Give up yet, straw hat? You're taking quite the beating and you haven't even landed a hit on me!"
Luffy smiled, "Im just getting started!"
A long, tired sigh could be heard from the Merry. But that didn't last long. After a few more minutes of them going back and fourth, there was a loud sound of impact.
Ghost was flying backwards. Luffy was finally able to land a hit on her. She tried to stabilize herself, but she kept tripping up and rolling backwards, completely in awe of the impact of his one punch to her gut. And she kept going until...

And for a few seconds, all was quiet, and as the bubbles floated to the surface, the silence was broken.
"OH CRAP, WAIT!" Zoro sprinted to the edge of the docks and dove in after her.
"OH GOD THATS RIGHT, SHE ATE A DEVIL FRUIT!" Nami and Sanji jumped over the railings of the Merry to meet Zoro at the edge of the dock. Luffy was hot on their tail as well.
After a few moments of painstaking silence, Zoro pops up over the surface of the water with Ghost in tow, both gasping desperately for air. Ghost was assisted onto the deck while Zoro lifted himself up, creating a puddle under himself. Ghost lied on the deck facing the sky, still gasping desperately for air. She made eye contact with Luffy, who gave her a light smile. As she regained her breath, she held her hand out to him, which he gladly took to help her to her feet, where he was instantly wrapped up in her arms in a tight hug. Luffy wasnt sure what to do.
"I havent... had a fight that great... in years..." she said through gasps of air. She pulled away to look at him with het hands firmly on his shoulders, "Do you know how long its been since someones punched me like that?!" The smile on her face beamed, making Luffy do the same.
"Does... does that mean...?"
"Are you dense? Of course it does!! Someone who could launch me like that is almost unheard of! Get me on that ship!" She eagerly starts over to the Merry, but stops in place and looks back, "Roronoa." He looks up at her, still panting for air, "You're stronger than you look. You saved my life. I take that kind of thing really seriously. I owe mine to you now." She smiles and runs off grab her axe and run off to the ship, with Luffy in tow.
     "What was that about? And why are you so out of breath??" Nami pokes at Zoro.
     "Shes... shes gotta be... a thousand pounds!..."
     Nami looks down at Zoro, "Is... is that why you're so out of breath?? Was she actually that heavy?!"
     "Im glad i got to her in time because she was sinking like a sack of bricks! Ive never seen anything like it..." Zoro stood up and shook the water off of himself.
     "COME ON GUYS!! WE HAVE PLACES TO BE!!!" Luffy yelled out to the three.

     Everyone on board, Ghost included, they sailed off to new land. Everyone was heading off to bed, but Ghost insisted on staying out for a little while longer. She stared out as Loguetown was slowly getting farther away, and then it struck her. His words made sense now. She felt a pang in her heart as she realized what was happening, finally fully sobering up to the thought of it.

This was it.

Ghost was free.


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