Ghosts Devil Fruit Power!! And The Recovery That Follows!!

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(As promised! One big chapter!! It feels good to be writing this again ❤️)

"A whale?!" Everyone yelled out in unison.

"T-the Merry!!!" Usopp cried out, tears starting to form in his eyes. He runs to the side of the ship, almost about to jump off to go retrieve the poor ship's lost head.

"YOU IDIOT!!!" Sanji cried out, looking over the ship to make sure the women on board were not harmed.

In the meantime, the rest of the crew inspected the poor thing as it kept screaming out and Luffy came back down to earth after assaulting the large mammal. The monster had scars decorating its entire face, some incredibly fleshy and deep. Ghost couldn't help but feel bad for it.

"Everyone, calm Luffy down!!"

The whale continued to cry and scream out, smashing its head against the base of the mountain. Ghost stood there, hands on her ears, trying to drown out the animals and cried for help. A few things came to mind, as she stood there and thought hard about the consequences. And, after some thought, she decided she didn't care in the moment. The animal wasn't calming down, neither was Luffy, and the crew was still stunned by the whale's loud screaming. Ganted, she was to, so doing what she wanted to do proved to be a difficult task. Gathering herself together, Ghost ran to what remains of the bow of the ship, hands still firm on her hands. She looked back at her crewmates and removed a hand from her ears and cupped it round her mouth to yell out to them

"I'M GONNA CALM IT DOWN BUT YOU NEED TO MAKE SURE I DON'T FALL INTO THE OCEAN AFTER, GOT IT??" She called out, giving a thumbs up to confirm what she asked.

Everyone but Luffy looked up and gave her a thumbs up back, interested in what she would do next. Drowning out the whales' cries as best she could, Ghost took a deep breath, adjusting her posture, standing straight and proud. And with all her might, she opened her eyes, assumed a strong, balanced stance and called out a booming, "FORTUNE, MAJOR ARCANA!!" and within moments, ghostly images of 22 cards circled around her like spirits. The crew watched in wonder and curiosity, even Luffy took a moment to look. With another deep breath, Ghost whipped her hand out to grab a card, oozing with confidence and power. "TEMPERANCE!!!" and with that, the card dissolves into Ghosts fingers as she takes one more deep breath as she takes her axe from her back.

     Steadily, her appearance began to change. Her outfit shifted into a lovely draped dress adorned with gold stitching. Her red cloth belt around her waist flared out behind her, appearing like mighty red wings. Her axe, at the end of the handle, morphing into what looked like two ceramic jugs of water being held up like a scale. She had a powerful energy about her, yet as she finished her transition, a calmness followed her. She opened her eyes and got to work, shooting into the air, her cloth wings flapping strong and hard. She places a hand upon the whales face, making eye contact with its giant, ship sized window to the soul. The crew watched in awe as Ghost, now seeming like some sort of goddess, whispered incantations to the wild beast. He calmed down a bit, but not enough. Ghost flew up to the top of the whales island like body and lifted her weapon into the air, taking a deep breath and yelling out to the beast.
Water began to pour out of the pots, endlessly like a mighty waterfall. Yet with grace like a shallow stream. Enveloping the animal, the stream glowed like bioluminescence, caressing it. Ghost kneeled onto its back, petting it gently, and smiled. The water began to slow, and appears to hug the animal. And within moments, it calmed down like a child being held like a mother.

"Im sorry about my friend, thank you for cooperating. It seems like you needed a hug, i hope it makes you feel better." Ghost smiled and stood, jumping off the whale.

Ive Been Ghosting Along (Roronoa Zoro x OC)Where stories live. Discover now