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[Unknown number] hey

Gerard: this is a wrong number remember?

[Unknown number] ya ik

[Unknown number] just bored. im frank

Gerard: uh okay I'm Gerard

Frank: what kind of a name is gerard

Gerard: ...

Frank: i'm just saying it sounds like someones grandpas name ok

Gerard: maybe I am a grandpa. how would you know?

Frank: im making a wild guess that ur around my age

Gerard: and what age is that?

Frank: im 19

Gerard: got me

Gerard: I'm 20

Frank: ooooooo

Frank: an older man 😏

Gerard: wow aren't you mature

Frank: hey dont bully me at least i graduated

Frank: didnt know if i would for awhile lol

Gerard: you going to college this fall?

Frank: nah takin a gap year

Gerard: don't wait too long. the stress of adulthood doesn't wait for anyone

Frank: jesus christ u rly are an old man

Gerard: I'm just trying to help itty bitty no college Frankie

Gerard: plus I'm gonna feel lame talking about school while you just get to chill

Frank: are u saying u expect us to talk more? lol

Gerard: I guess so idk.

Gerard: I don't have a whole lotta friends and you're pretty cool I suppose

Frank: "i suppose" what a fucking dork who says that shit

Gerard: me, obviously

Frank: ok

Frank: dork

Frank: wtf u left me on read

Gerard: sorry I wasn't sure what to say

Frank: ask me a question or smth dipshit

Gerard: okay

Gerard: uhh so you smoke weed then?

Frank: oh my god i told u to forget about that

Gerard: No judgement I was just curious

Frank: ok well ya i do. my dealers number is apparently pretty close to urs

Frank: wait we probably live in the same area then

Frank: belleville?

Gerard: that's where I used to live yeah. when my dad died we moved up north

Frank: oh

Frank: i'm sorry if i brought up a sour memory

Gerard: nah it's good I'm not hung up over it anymore

Frank: what's it like up north?

Gerard: I like it. small town but a shitload of snow

Gerard: did you go to Belleville High?

Frank: LMAO yeah

Frank: hated that place

Frank: did u ever go there or did u move before that

Gerard: we moved after freshman year so yeah I went there for a little

Gerard: it was alright. kinda lonely

Frank: did u have johnson for english

Gerard: yeah she was a piece o work


Frank: she was batshit

Frank: im so glad 2 b out of that hellhole

Gerard: yeah me too. glad to be out of high school altogether

Gerard: what are you up to?

Frank: watchn tv

Frank: how 2 train ur dragon is on 😎

Gerard: I remember when that came out

Gerard: saw it with my brother

Frank: whoa siblings

Frank: it's just me and my parents at my house

Frank: whats ur brothers name

Gerard: Mikey

Gerard: he graduates next year :)

Frank: yo thats cool

Frank: is it true that siblings argue a lot

Gerard: I guess sometimes yeah. we used to more when we were kids. once I hit high school things settled down

Gerard: we read a lot of comic books together as kids. Listened to music. that kinda stuff

Gerard: so yeah we're kinda close

Frank: that's so cool ur so lucky

Frank: it's just me myself and i. always has been

Gerard: don't you get anything you want though then?

Frank: yeah no

Frank: my dad is the worlds biggest cheapskate and my mom thinks she lives in the 1600s

Gerard: my dad was a cheapskate too lol. Got mad when I'd buy Mikey comics

Frank: thats rude u weren't even buying for urself?

Gerard: yeah I loved the guy but he was stubborn on shit like that

Frank: whats ur mom like

Gerard: she's always been a cheerful lady. I think dad dying really took a toll on her though she seems hazy sometimes

Gerard: I'm just worried I'll move out and bad things will happen

Frank: im sure you have nothing to worry about

Frank: theres ur brother too. i'm sure it'll be okay

Gerard: I hope so. thanks Frank you're a cool dude

Frank: oh yeah? 😏

Frank: ur not so bad urself gee

Gerard: Gee?

Frank: ya. short for gerard. can i call u that?

Gerard: yeah I guess I'd be cool with that

Frank: cool

Frank: can i text u later? my mom made lunch

Gerard: okay sure. talk to you later

Frank: ttyl gee

Wrong Number (2020 Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now