Chapter 12 | flower festival

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Y/n's POV // spring 24 Wednesday// 11:00 am//

"I can't believe there's so many customers!" Grace whispered to me.

"Right!? I'm gonna need to grow more plants!" I ran to the back room, Sebastian and Zen were the chefs for today as Grace was needed at the front.

Abby, Grace, Sam and I were the ones serving and handing out the baked goods and drinks.

"Hey, hows it going out there?" Zen ruffled my hair.

"Good, some customers just finished eating so I'm taking a small break" I sighed in exhaustion.

It was jam packed in the cafe, specially with kids and teens outside going here for lunch.

"Were going to the festival after closing right? I heard it goes on from 12:00pm-9:00pm"

"Yeah.. it's a little different this year, usually it's just a dance but I guess they switched it up a little and turned it into a festival.." Sebastian muttered.

I nodded and hummed in understanding.

This whole festival thing sounds real exciting..

"Then we'll close at 12:00, Grace and I are gonna be at one of the stands, selling pastries and other things" Zen started baking once again.

"Oo, can you sell some of the plants and flowers I grew last night? Their in the back"

"Already have it covered" he smiled.

"Thankss! I'll go back to work then, see ya!"

This was real exciting..

"Guys" Shane entered the shop.

"What's up Shane?" I smiled up at him.

"Careful at the festival, there's rumours that a thief is going around taking valuable things from stands and even napping women"

"Serious?" Abby walked up to us.

"Yeah, there's a quest on the town board looking for somebody to catch him"

A quest..?

What if..

"I'll be back in a bit" I ran towards town square, bumping and apologizing to a couple people as I roamed through the crowded ways of Honocrtalus.

It was real busy today as people were setting up for the festival.

Finally I reached the board and searched for the quest which matched Shane's description.


There was a drawing of the man, he wore a cloak, close to Sebastians. And over his nose was a black bandana.

Very suspicious..

I took the quest paper and stuffed it in my satchel.

Right! Now that that's settled..

Back to the cafe!

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