Risk it for the Biscuit

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But sometimes the biscuit bites you back.

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New Mauville, Hoenn

Hilbert: Do you ever wonder who or what it is that leaves Poké Balls with items just laying around in hidden areas?

Hilda: Oh yeah, all the time. I've found so many cool things that way. I mean, where else do you find an Ultra Ball within a Poké Ball?

Hilbert (pointing to a ball in the corner): What a coincidence! Look over there!

Hilda: Nice! Just be careful though. We're inside a power plant, it could be a Voltorb...

Hilbert: Sorry Hilda, being kind to me doesn't mean I'll give you what's in here!

Hilda: What? No, I'm being serious!

Hilbert (picking up the ball): ARGHH!

Hilda: Oh for Arceus' sake! Like I said! Voltorb!

Hilbert (holding his arm): Oww, sorry...

Hilda (searching in her bag): Do Paralyze Heals work on people?

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Galar Mine No. 2, Galar

Hilda: Wow, this is a really beautiful mine.

Hilbert: Yeah, nothing quite like this back in Unova.

Hilda: It feels like I'm in space or looking at all the galaxies.

Hilbert (looking at a ball shape in the ground): Can you find Poké Balls lying around in space?

Hilda: What's this? It's a bit small for a Poké Ball. Hmph, guess it's yours since you spotted it first.

Hilbert (picking up the ball): Ye- ARGHH!

Hilda (startled): What is it now?!

Hilbert (cradling his hand): Oww... Huh? This looks like a Stunfisk yet it's different.

Hilda: Pokédex says this is a Galarian Stunfisk...?

Hilbert: What? I had only known of the Unovan kind.

Hilda: Me too. At least you didn't get shocked by yet another electric Pokémon, but still, that bite on your hand looks painful...

Hilbert: Please help me...

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Notes: To what ever it is that leaves free items in Poké Balls, thank you sincerely. Galarian Stunfisk looks exactly like a bear trap with a Poké Ball as bait - perfect for eager trainers like Hilbert.

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