8. sneaking into school plan.

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Peter pov.

I wake up to Nemo snoring on my forehead with his fluffy tail covering one of my eyes. I hold back a yawn and slowly lift up my baby boy onto my pillow where he snuggles up once again.

I only now realised how adorable he is. Like how when he barks his ears bounce a little or when he sleeps his nose twitches as if he's dreaming.

I quietly walk into the hall and to the kitchen where i find nobody up jet since its still pretty early

'Good morning Peter, how was your rest?' Friday asks as i get a bowl from the cupboard.

"It was fine thanks. Do you know what food Nemo likes? I dont know what to give him"

'Most of Nemo's breed prefer thin, sliced meat over dog food but it varies from animal to animal'  *im making this up as i go along cuz i havent got a clue*

"Thanks." I smile to myself as i find some chopped ham and pork in the fridge and lay it neatly on a spiderman plate uncle Thor got me for my birthday.

"Bye Friday!" I say closing the door and going back to my room. On my way i pass mr. Loki's door and decide to see if he's awake.

My dad's say he's evil and i can't trust him but they don't know how many deep conversations we've had. Mr. Loki says since nobody ever listened to him he'll always listen to me.

"Morning mr. Loki" i grin seeing him reading on his bed.

"Ahhh. Morning Peter. How's your new companion?" He sets his book down and budges up from me sit.

"He's amazing! I called him Nemo!"

"A wonderful name. I met the pup myself when he went on an adventure." He smiles at me as i listen.

"Did you like him?" I ask nervous.

"Loved him! Your a lucky boy, but he's an even luckier dog. So i hear i'm the baby sitter when your at school" mr. Loki teases.

"Yeah..." i trail off. I trust mr. Loki with Nemo but i only just got him.

"Whats wrong, Peter? C'mon." He nudges my shoulder lightly making me chuckle.

"I-Its just...don't get me wrong mr. Loki. It's not that i dont trust you-because i do. But-" he cuts off my rambling with a laugh.

"But you don't want to leave Nemo. I completely understand. If you like...when the other's leave you can take Nemo to school. But if you get caught i wasn't appart of this"

"Thank you! But your not allowed pets in school. Could i hide him in my bag?" I ask with joy. He nids his head and takes one of the meat slices and shoves it in his mouth with a grin.

"Oi! There for nemo!"

"Run along, Peter. Before the others hear about our chats. Tell me before you leave tho. Okay?"

"Okay. Bye mr. Loki!" I wave from the door with a smile. He waves aswell and lest he shove the door closes and race down the hall to my room.

"Hey Nemo, good morning baby boy!" I say softly to wake him up. When he dose wake up he pounces into my arms and attacks my face with wet, slobbery kisses making me almost drop the plate but my spidey grip catches it.

"Woah!hey baby boy i got breakfast!" As i use his nickname he purs in joy. I place the plate beside him so he can eat.

I just stares at the plate then me and barks lightly.

"Do you want me to feed you?" He nods happily making me smile and grab a slice and wrip it into smaller pieces before feeding my baby boy.

"I didnt want to leave you when i go to school...so mr. Loki said i could sneak you in but you have to stay realllllllllly quiet and not come out. Is that okay?"

He barks happily and licks my face again. I ruffle his quiff and keep feeding him with a smile.

"We only have about an hour befire school to lets get ready"


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