14. Sneaking Around.

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Nemo pov.

Peter held my hand as we race through Stark Tower searching for Mr. Loki.

"Mr. Loki can fix this, he's good at fixing things" he says as we hide behind a pillar before running down the hall.

"he w-will fix me?" I ask still not used to speaking.

"hopefully. Here we are" he pushes open the same 'Danger' door revealing Mr. Loki sipping on some tea while staring aimlessly out the window.

"m-mr. Loki?" Peter asks as i hide behind the door.

"yes, Peter. Come in" he greets making Peter enter.

"can I get some help?"

"of corse, what's wrong?"

"... Let's just say hypothetically... I knew an animal... Who hypothetically drank some green glowing pudd-"

As Peter explains what happened I get destracted by a small piece of lint which was floating around my face.

I growl a little as it slips through my fingers so I try hit it but somehow miss. It then begins flying upwards so me, being the curious dog-person I am, jumps after it. I climb up some supply boxes which were to the side of the corridor.

"NEMO! WHERE ARE YOU?" Peter calls as he exits the bedroom. He spots me and gasps. "what are you doing up there?"

"I get fluff" I say reaching for it again. My tail wags violently as I reach again.

"no, baby. Your gonna fall" but it's too late. Before I know it, I'm falling a few feet from the boxes with a small scream.

As I'm about to come in contact with the floor a body swings into me and picks me in a flash while flying about the room until we reach the floor again.

I uncirl myself from the body and see Peter looking down at me trying to catch his breath.

He places me on the ground as I see a few long webs hanging from the room when he saved me.

"I sorry, Peter"

"it's okay. Just don't go running off" he holds my hand and walks me back into mr. Loki's room. He looks me up and down in slight shock.

"I have been reading up antidotes... Do you want the good news or the bad news?"

"good" I say making him nod.

"it won't kill you" Peter grins as I wait for the bad news.

"and the bad?"

"you will stay a boy forever." my jaw drops and tears fill my eyes.

"I-I like being Puppy. And human are stressful" I run a hand through my hair and run out the room until I reach Peters room.

I sit in the corner with my hands covering my face as I sob quietly. Footsteps run to me then stop a few feet away.

"Nemo? It'll be okay. I'm here, I can teach you how to be a person." Peter says sitting beside me.

"I want be a puppy again!" I sob a little as he rubs my back.

"I know you do, baby. But we can't change you back" peter says sadly. "I wish I could help you"

"thank you, Peter" I say with a giggle.

"you remembered?" I hum and look up at him. He holds my hand as I wipe away my tears with my hand.

"im sorry this happened to you" he whispers. I shake my head with a smile and lean down to rest on his legs.

"tired" I say with a yawn.

"you wanna sleep?" I nod with my eyes closed. He plays with my hair until I fall asleep.

I dream about being a puppy again and chasing my tail and running around the house.


I wake up in Peters bed comfortably and climb out but forget I'm a human now so I fall facefirst onto the floor with a groan. Peter shoots up with his hair sticking up everywhere as he just woke up.

"nemo!'' he gasps and helps me up as I hold my face in pain." are you okay,baby?"

"I forgot I was boy" I say annoyed.

"it's 'I forgot I am a boy" he corrects with a small smile.

"I forgot I am a boy" I say making him nod and climb out of bed.

"your getting better"

"... Thank you, Peter"

"there you go" he grins and gets me some clothes. He gives me blue joggies and a hodie. Once again my tail hangs out.

"thank you, Peter" I say again and pull on the clothes with my back to Peter. I turn around and give Peter a huge hug making him grin and hug back.

"it's okay, let's get breakfast"

"he will notice. I not a puppy" I say chewing one of my sleeves.

"I can deal with dad"


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