12. Starwars

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Nemo pov.

I wake up to Peter shaking me awake lightly. I stretch and reach up to lick his face happily.

"You ready to watch the greatest movie ever created?" Ned asks from my other side. I nod and sit on Peters lap now realising the boys have cloaks on and holding long light up sticks.

Ned turns on the TV before sitting back down with a grin.


"Yes, Sir?"

"Tell them we wish..."

----Epic montsge starting now-----


And i....."

I sit in amazement as she reacges back and catches a lightsaber.

"Am all the jedi!"

Tye two teens cheer loudly as i sit in shock.



Peter and Ned act out the huge fight scene perfectly, Peter stands Ned making him fall to the ground pretending to be dead.


"He told me you killed him!"

"Luke....i am your father"

Peter and Ned hold me close as we cry together.


----end of epic montage----

"Did you enjoy that baby boy?" Peter asks with a hopeful smile. We watches allllll of the movies which took tye whole day and this morning.

I nod tiredly as Ned snores beside us making him smile and kiss my head. I snuggle into his warm body and purr slightly. 

"You can sleep if you want babyboy." Peter smiles softly as i nuzzle my head into his chest.


"Wake up baby boy. Its morning" Peter's voice wakes me from my dream of fighting evil bones trying to hurt peter.

I open my tired eyes to come face to face with Peter smiling down on me still in his chest.

"Dad says i have school." My ears and tail emediatly drop at the news and i start to whine.

"I-If you like, i could patch. Get Ned to cover for me? I just wanna spend the day with you" i bark happily and lick his whole face.

"Okay. Let's go."

After getting ready and saying goodbye to the avengers like Peter usually would for school he starts walking in the right direction before making a detour.

"Where do you wanna go?" He asks softly pulling me out of his backpack. I bark not knowing where to go. He nods and starts walking literally anywhere he can think of.


We reach a small underground tunnel which appears to be blocked off but climb in anyway.

We look around for a few minutes before Peter stops dead in his tracks like he heard something.

Peter pov.

As were looking around the tunnel i feel my spidey senses start going off. I look around frantically before stopping dead.

Nemo looks at me in confusion as I listen around us. I hear the frequency of engegy-
*i failed science so I making this up as I go along*

I tell Nemo to stay here while I swing down the tunnel.

Nemo pov.

Peter runs off so I decide to lookarou d incase there's any toys for me to play with.

I see a shiny green puddle and go over to enspect it. I sniff it a little before drinking some. As I swallow gulps I hear Peter calling for me to stop.

"come here, baby" he says as I waddle over to him no longer thirsty. "you can't drink from that, okay?"

I nod and let him pick me up and nuzzle into his chest.

"let's get you home"


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