10. meeting Ned!

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Peter pov.

Its now the class before lunch, Maths, with only 10 minutes left and i was sooooo excited for Ned to meet Nemo!

I was writing my equations when i felt a nudge on my leg. I look down and see Nemo smiling up at me.

"Hey, Baby Boy. 10 more minutes" i whisper and play with his ear.

"Something in your bag more important than my class, mr. Parker?" The teacher yells across the class.

"Huh? N-No. I was...just getting a pen, s-sorry"

"Better be. As i was saying..." i let out a sigh of rielif and let him lick my hand.

"Phew" i whisper in a funny voice to Nemo making him grin. I ruffle his hair and go back to my maths work.

"Da dadum. Da dadum. Da da dada da dadum" i mutter the spiderman theme to myself. Everyone was talking so nobody heard me.

A small whine interups my song, i look down to see Nemo crying for my attention. I mean, 6 hours is a looooong time for a puppy to sit in a bag.

"Im so so sooo sorry, i know im not a very good owner but-" i was cut short of my sad sentence by Nemo reaching up and licking my face again.

"Thanks, baby boy" i whisper and kiss his head before playing with his ear.


The bell goes making Nemo whimper and shove his fluffy face into my palm. I hold back an 'awww' and wait for the class and teacher to leave before pulling my bag onto the desk.

"I know, baby. I know. Were leaving now. Were gonna meet Ned! That's cool right?" I ask in a happy voice. He barks quietly and let's his tail wag aggressively.

"Lets go, baby boy" i zip my bag slightly and walk through the halls. A few people budge my shoulder but i use my free hand-the one not holding my bag strap-to steady my bag.

"PETER!" My best friend yells from down the street. I smile and walk up to him before doing our secret had shake.

"So...the surprise!"

"Come outside" i smile and lead him outside. We find an empty shed area and hide inside before grinning.

"Don't freak out okay?"

"Okay" he nods and watches as i carefully place the bag on a shelf and lift out my sleeping angle.

He snuggles into my arm slightly before waking up a little. He looks up to me with a tired face but licks my cheeck.

As he dose so, i almost forget Ned is there. He coughs awkwardly making me pull away and let him look at Nemo.

When they make eye contact Nemo barks and reaches over for Ned to lift him up. Ned holds him like hes a fragile piece of china.

"H-He's-he's so. So-"

"Cute? I know. Ned, Meet Nemo! Nemo, meet Ned!" I grin and watch Ned pet my baby boys head.

Nemo purrs and see's me looking at my feet slightly jealous before jumping out of Ned's arms and into mine.

A soft chuckle escaped my lips as he nuzzles his head into my chest making me and Ned aww.

"Go to sleep Baby Boy" i whisper into his fur as i strocked his back. He nods in a way and falls asleep.

"You are sooo lucky! I love him." Ned whispers so he dosent wake the baby. I nod and take the shirt out my bag and place it on a non-dusty table before placing the prince on then facing Ned.

"I have a surprise! You're allowed over to watch Star Wars with me and Nemo. Its his first time watching it and i want you to be there" the second i finished my sentence was finished Ned pulled me into the tightest hug ever.

"N-Ned. I can't...breath" i say as he lifts me up. He laughs and drops me before fixing my shirt and giving me time to put Nemo back in my bag.

"Im so excited" he squeals as we walk out the shed and to the school once again.

"You are so lucky"

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