9. sneaking into school.

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Nemo pov.

As mr. Stark and the other Avengers leave the tower me and Peter stand in the doorway waving them off.

"Have fun!" Peter calls as the limo drives away." Ready for school?"

I nod and wait for him to place his backpack on the ground so i can hop in. Since im still just a puppy i fit fine. Peter put his books in the front pocket and placed the 'i survived my trip to NYC' shirt in so im comfortable.

We made a deal that i could stay in his bag during lessons and he would leave the zip open so he can pet me and stuff.

He already told mr. Loki we were leaving before so we had about 20 minutes to get to 'school.'

"Get ready, baby boy. Its gonna be a looooong 6 hours" i whine at the number. Six!

"Its okay! I'll be there. Plus at lunch i can introduce you to Ned. You want that right?" He calms me down with a smile making me nod.

He holds his backpack in his arms so i can reach up and lick his face. He pulls away to keep on walking.

"Look, were here" he says after 20 minutes of making funny faces for me.

I try jump out his backpack but then remember the rule. No coming out the backpack unless Peter says nobody is around.

"Okay. Im gonna put my bag on properly but i'll leave the zip open a little." I nod and let him gently place his bag on.

"Here we go" he mumbles and walks through some doors.  I peak through a small rip in the bag and see people either walking past or leaning against...lockers?

"Hey Penis Parker!" A voice booms down the hall making me growl loudly. Peter shurgs his shoulders making his bag jump slightly to shush me.

"Hey Flash" Peter grumbles." I just wanna get to class"

"You just wanna get to class. Really. Penis Parker wants to go to class?" The rude boy mocks. I hold back another growl so Peter isn't mad with me.

"Yeah." Peter hisses.

"Okay, see ya later Penis Parker! Don't forget! See you at lunch!" 'Flash' yells walking down the hall making my ears ring. I accidentally let out a whine before shutting up.

"You okay?" Peter whispers to me. I give a small hum and sniff the shirt to relax.

"PETER!what was the surprise Mr. Stark gave you?" Another voice talks to Peter. Instead of the mean boy this sounds like a nice boy. I hear hands clapping like a handshake before walking again.

"I'll show you at lunch. You are gonna love him-I mean it!" Peter corrects himself as the bell rings. I cover my ears and whine again by mistake.

"You okay, Pete? You made a funny noise. Is it your spidey sences?"

"Uhh...yeah-Spidey. Uhh. Senses yes. Im fine Ned. See you at lunch" peter reassures to ned. This is Ned!


"Let's go to class" Peter mumbles to me making me nod and snuggle into the shirt and shut my eyes.

Peter pov.

As Engliah class beings i sit at my seat in the back row with my bag at my feet. I open the zip and see Nemo fast asleep snuggled into my shirt.

I fix his ear which was laying in an uncomfortable position and leave the zip open.

"Mr. Parker?" The teacher calls from the front making everyone look at me.


"Did you hear me? I said 'what is Romeo and Juliet about?" She releats with a bored expression.

"Love, they both love eachother no matter what. Even death..." i trail off looking at Nemo slightly

"Correct! Mrs. Frayer..." she faces another student as i watch Nemo's soft expression.

"Alright thats class!" She yells after another half hour of tye lession sadly waking up Nemo. He jaws and goes to bark but stoppes when he look up at me.

"Hey baby boy. Were almost out. Just need to go down the hall, i promise" i whisper and place my book's in the front pocket. Nemo nods and smiles slightly.

I close my bag as little as possible without looking wierd and walk through the halls.

When i reach the tables outside for break nobody is out there. Ned has to help a new kid get around school so i will see him at lunch.

"Nemo. Hey,Baby Boy" I smile and place my bag on the table and pretend to get out a book or something.

He barks softly and reaches up to lick my face. I bend down and let him cover my fave with kisses.

"I got this from the kitchen when you played with Uncle Thor." I say reaching into my secret pocket and grabbing more ham and pork.

He barks again and waits for me to feed him some. I grin and let him finish the bite before giving him more.

Then the bell rings making me groan and kiss Nemo's head before going to close my bag again but stop when he whines.

"Whats wrong baby?"

He jumps up a few times while whining.

"Do you need out? Im gonna be so late!" I mumble to myself and race to the back of the school. I let Nemo down.

The second i do he races to some grass and pee's. He prances back with a wagging tail.

"Good boy! Lets go!"


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