Chapter 7

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I'm updating beause I don't know when te next time I will get to post again so I'm putting like 3 chapters up tonight. Please leave comments!!


I woke up to the kids jumping on me and Chris and yelling Merry Christmas. We walked downstairs and it was 830. I began cooking and getting everything ready for when Rebecca and Mike came over. I had finished everything and just sat it on the table when I heard a knock on the door. I thought it was Mike and Becca but when I turned around I saw Trey sanding there with a very pissed off Bailee.

"Why are you here?" "You told me to do more and be more involved so I came with presents" "Well your not welcomed here" "Bailee you know better than to talk like that to your father" "How is he suppose to be a father when he had been gone for 3 years" "Bailee he might have not been there for a little but he is your father and you will repect him" "Chris is more of a father than him" "Well theres nothing you can do about him being your father so just deal with it" She walked off mad.

"Trey you better not come in her starting stuff today" "I won't I have presents for the kids" "OKay" Chris walked in and kissed my lips and rubbed my stomach from behind. Trey rolled his eyes. "Chris man I thought you ran off I didn't know you were with my ex pretending to be my kids father" "Okay 1 I'm more of a man to your ex, My fiance more than you ever were. 2 I'm deffantly not pretending to be a father. I'm doing the job that you decided to leave and not care about because I want to not because I have too. 3 Your kids love me more than they love you. Why you ask? Because you dropped them because their mom left you and thats not right. But I'm only going to tell you this once. You mess with my family and I will kill you"

Chris kissed my cheek and started getting plates out. "Now Trey I told you not to start anything thats your warning the next time your out and thats it" He walked off into the living room. I looked over at Chris after I put all the food on the table. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. He kissed me back and we had forgotten that we were in the dinning room until Rebecca walked in saying "hey hey hey save that for the honeymoon" I blushed and he laughed. I walked over to her and hugged her.

"How did you get in?" "Bailee let us in and what the hell is he doing here?" "I told him he needed to start trying with the kids more so here he is" everyone walked out and the kids came down the stairs. "Its time to eat" We were walking into the dinning room when Trey stopped me from walking. "April your really going to marry him?" "Yes because he's everything your not" I walked off into the dinning room where everyone else was and sat down. We ate breakfast and cleaned all the dishes up.

We went to the living room and all the kids sat on the floor. We handed all the presents out and they started opening. I sawa Bailee and Jcobstaring at each other and she was blushing and giggling a lot. "Bailee come here please I need help" SHe followed me intot he kitchen and I turned around so i could talk to her. "Do you like Jacob?" "Mom!" "I'm asking because of the wya you too are acting around each other" "Yes mom we like each other just don't get all over protective please?" "I wont but you need to talk to Chris though he will probly will be more of your problem i think ya'll will make a great couple" "Thank you mom" "Your welcome"

We walked bck out and Bailee sat beside Jacob. Bailee and him are the same age so I'm not worried about anything. Bailee oped her new phone and screamed her head off. It was the Iphone 6 plus gold and she got some make up and hair stuff she wanted. She also got a prada purse she wanted. Jr. on the other hand got some basketball stuff because he's getting into sports now. Chris thought it would be good for him to finially have a PS4 and we got him a few games. Brookyln got some craft things because she likes to work and invent she is very smart like Bailee. Ashley got a lot of dolls and fake make up. Jamal got some new clothes and toys since he's only two.

Chris came over to me and gave me mine and I gave him his. I opened mine and it was a gold necklace with 8 people on it and 7 of them had stones in it. they all represented our family. I smiled and I looked and their was a matching braclet and ring. I kissed his lips quickly and then he opened his. He's eyes got huge. "baby you didn't have to do this, I know it was a lot of money." "It's okay your worth it" "April I can't wait for ya'll to get married and have more kids" "Me too but I don't know how many more I'm going to have" We laughed and Trey rolled his eyes.

Bailee and Jacob were in the backyard sitting on the swing we had set up. The other kids were in the pool playing. Mike, Chris and Trey were all in the living room while me and Rebecca were in the kitchen. Me and Rebecca were talking. "Girl are you sure your ready for this?" "I'm ready I mean I've had 5 kids but my thing is I'm worried about Chris, This will be his first child in general and I don't want him to be overwhelmed." "I think he will be okay he's been fine for 3 years." "I hope so?" " What do you want it to be now?" "I would like to have another boy to even it out"

We laughed and Trey walked in and got something to drink out of the fridge and Rebecca looked at me and him. She got up and walked out. "April I'm sorry for everything I've done to you and the kids. I hurt you in so many ways and I hurt the kids in the process, I shouldn't have done the things I did. I shouldv'e stayed to myself and stayed true to you like I vowed. I promise I will get help so I can try and get you back and help with the kids" "Trey it's fine it's done and over with and in the past. I wont leave Chris he is mine and I don't want you. Yes I love you and I always will but I don't want to be with you. I want you to get help and better yourself for your children not me." He nodded and kissed my cheek.

"I hope it's alittle boy" "Me too" "But when we get back together we will have 4 more" I laughed and Chris walked in. He sat down beside me. He kissed my lips. "I really love you" "I love you too".

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