Chapter 5

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I walked in the airport and Chris walked up to me. "Hey you ready to go?" "Yep when does our plane leave?" "15 minutes" "Then let's go" He walked me to the plane and we sat in our seats. I was on my phone texting Bailee.

B~ Mom I don't want to be here?

A~Why not?

B~ Dad don't know how to handle us and your more fun

A~ Baby give me 2 days and I'll be home and we can do whatever you want okay. I might be there sooner if I find something good for us okay?

B~Okay mom hurry back I love you

A~I love you too just relax mess with your laptop and watch or something okay


I sighed and leaned my head back. "What's wrong" "Nothing just Trey doesn't know how to take care of the kids like I do and Bailee don't even want to be there" "They will be fine and you know for being 12 she is very smart" "I know I think because she was the oldest and theirs a 7 year gap she grew up faster for some reason" "Well it's good" I leaned my head on Chris's shoulder and fell asleep.

I woke up and Chris was still asleep we were landing so I had to wake him. "Chris wake up" He slowly opened his eyes and yawned. "Its time to get up" "Ready to go look at houses" "I want to go to the hotel first and freshen up" "Okay lets go" We got in our rental and went to the Four seasons. I walked up to the desk and asked for the key to the room and they gave it to me right away.

I walked up to our room we would be sharing for the night. I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower and got in the bed and went to sleep. It was already 8pm might as well go to sleep and start a new day. I dont remember where Chris was or where he was. I know when I hit the pillow I was out like a light. I woke up with the sun shining in the room and Chris's head in my neck. I moved out of the bed and got dressed. "Chris come on we need to get to looking for a house so I can get back to the kids" "Okay"

He got up and got dressed and we were walking out the room. We stopped by Mcdonalds to get something to eat and Chris finially spoke. "Why don't you find a house near me so I don't have far to go and then if you need me I'm right around the corner." "Okay show me the houses and well see" We drove towards his house and started seeing for sale signs. I saw on that was like beach house with 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms and a game room. It was a good house for my family.

This house wasn't but a block away from Chris. I walked in and looked around the lady was telling us about the house and where everything was. When she was done talking she looked at me "So what you think?" "I'll take it" "Okay let me get you the keys and we'll sign the paper work" I took pictures of all the rooms and back yard and sent them to Bailee. The backyard was beautiful. Had two pools and we could see the ocean from the way our house was on the hill.

B~Mom I love it

A~well we'll see if we can get it

B~okay :)

We signed the papers and headed back to the hotel. "So your helping me move right?" "Yea baby" He hugged me and pulled away with his arms still around my waist. "Chris you have to bare with me you know what I went through with Trey and I'm trying to make sure the kids are fine" "April I understand okay I wouldn't do you how he did you I will treat you like a queen and make sure they kids are alwas taken care of." "Chris I just hope your up for whats coming next" "Trust me I'm up for anything as long as I'm with you"

We walked in the hotel and I got on the bed and turned the tv on. I started to rub my stomach and Chris said "You can pretend like its mine" "funny do you know how much trouble that will cause" "You'll have one by me eventually" "Maybe, maybe not" We watched Tv and then got our stuff together for us to head back to the airport. We loaded on the plane and we sat down. I was looking at Trey's instagram seeing the pictures of the kids having fun.

I scrolled through it some more and saw pictures of me and him on our honeymoon and of our wedding day and of us 5 year back. I was going to miss everything but it's best to start over new.

Chris grabbed my hand and held it until we landed. We got off the plane and got in the car. We started off to Trey's house. We walked up and knocked on the door. Bailee answered the door and jumped in my arms. "Mom I missed you" "It was only for two days" "But still I missed up" Trey walked down and looked at me and Chris. "What's up with ya'll lately? Are ya'll dating now?" "No Trey he's just helping me with the shit you dumped on me and atleast he's being a friend to me"

Trey rolled his eyes and walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. "Kids get your stuff we need to leave, Chris can you help Ashley get her stuff please" "Sure" He kissed my cheek.

"April your really going to do this with my best friend" "Trey don't start one I'm not doing anything with him I'm just friends and nothing more atleast I know how to be faithful and show someone I care about them unlike you. I'm going to wait until we are divorced before I date anyone and by the way here's the papers sign them whenever you get ready but my lawery will be intouch with you. Because if you dont sign them in a certain time it wont be pretty" He took the papers out of my hands and signed them.

"April you can have whatever you want I'll put money in your bank aacount every week to ake sure you and the kids are taken care of. Just please" He stopped and looked me dead in the eyes. "Just know I love you and always will" I stroked his cheek. "You know I love you too and that I always will you were my first and your someone I could never forget" I kissed is cheek and got the kids in the car and their clothes.

We were on the way to the airport to go to our new home. "Mom are you and Uncle Chris going to get together?" I blushed and Chris laughed and said "We'll see okay Bailee"

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