
45 11 38

March 2020

Emmaline's POV

Myersville, Oregon

I was lounging in my easy chair, in the comfort of my own room. My birthday was a few days ago, as I just turned 10. My parent were out, getting me a pizza. They were getting me a large pepperoni pizza from Myersville Pizza Parlor, which has been around since 1978.

I left my room, and trotted downstairs, to the kitchen, where there were still party favors, scattered all over, and only one piece of my birthday cake was left, which had vanilla frosting. My parents left me in charge, while they were gone. Since I turned 10, they thought I could be more responsible, and not let any strangers in the house.

My mind drifted to that pizza I was about to eat. The bubbly cheese, stacked with pepperoni on it, and a thick crust, to boot. My mouth started to water.

However, my reverie was cut short, when two policemen rang the doorbell. I opened the door, and there they stood, dressed in brown police uniforms.

"What's the problem?" I asked. "Am I under arrest?"

"Are you Emmaline Bayer?" asked of the policemen.

"Yes, what is this about, officer?" I asked, a lump forming in my throat.

"I am Officer Steve Crow, and this is my partner, Andrew Bishop.

"We have some sad news to report," said Andrew Bishop. "Your parents got into a fatal car accident."

"Oh no!" I gasped. "They have to be okay! They're bringing me pizza!"

"Apparently, a driver, caused a hit and run incident. He fled the scene, before we arrived. It pains me to say this, Emmaline, but your parents didn't make it."

My whole world came crumbling down, as I heard those words. "Mom and Dad are getting me a pizza!!!* I collapsed to my knees, and tears filled up eyes, and fell down my face. "MOM, DAD!!!! WHAT ABOUT MY PIZZA?!!!"

"Please don't cry!" said Officer Steve Crow! We are so sorry!"

"I want my pizza!" I sobbed, violently. "What am I supposed to eat?!"

Andrew Bishop looked like he was ready to cry himself, seeing me in this state. "I got some donuts in the car if you want some!" he reasoned.

"No!" I barked. "I wanted a pizza! I want my mom and dad!"

"Please calm down!" said Officer Steve Crow. "We better get this kid some pizza! She's totally freaking out over her parents!"

"On it!" said Andrew. He quickly got back in the car, and drove to the pizza place. Officer Crow was trying his hardest to console me.

"This must be very hard on you, Emmaline," he said, putting his hand on my shoulder. "You're only 10, and you lost your parents. Just know, that everything will be okay."

"How can you say that?" I asked, through choked sobs. "Everything is not gonna be okay! I loved my mom and dad very much! I want them back!"

"Sweetie, I'm sorry, but that's not possible!" said Officer Crow. "They're in a better place, now. No more pain."

"That's easy for you to say," I sobbed. I finally stopped crying, and Andrew was back with the pizza.

"I got your pizza, Emmaline!" said Andrew. "Go to the kitchen, and eat it.

"Thank you," I said, sniffling. My eyes were red and puffy from crying. I sat down and ate my pepperoni pizza, which cheered me up a bit. How would I go on from here? I lost my parents, and this pizza was not gonna bring them back.

A/N Hey, guys! What did you think of what happened? Did you feel sorry for Emmaline? The next chapter will have her at the orphanage. Don't be a silent reader. Please show some love and support, by voting, leaving feedback, and sharing this book! Thanks, guys! Love you all! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😘😘😘😘😘😘

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