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It's raining hard that day. The sky is so clouded, I can clearly feel the heavy rain in my skin. It's so cold but I don't mind it, I don't care about such things anymore. My world stopped spinning the day that she left me.

I will just stay here. I want to stay here. I won't go anywhere.

"You're such a cheater Mom, why do you have to leave me alone? You promised to stay" I whispered as I trace the engraved name of my mother in her own gravestone.

Now I'm all alone, left with no one but myself.

I heaved a sigh, closed my eyes and started to feel the rain. May these raindrops take away the pain that I'm feeling. I let my body fall down on the ground. I am so tired physically and emotionally, let me rest for a bit.

I don't know how long did I stay in that position, I just opened my eyes when I can't feel the raindrops in my face anymore... only to find out a guy looking at me intently, sharing his small umbrella with me.

His warm pair of eyes made me feel warmth under this cold sky.

"You might get sick if you stay under the rain for too long, let me hold the umbrella for you" even his voice is full of warmth.

He sat beside me and diverted his gaze at my mom's gravestone while I'm here, still looking intently at his face.

"Your mom would be sad seeing his son like this, don't you think?"

Now we're both staring at each other's eye.

"You should wipe your tears, a beautiful eyes like that should not be filled with tears" he then started to wipe the tears that are flowing from my eyes.

"Please say something, the atmosphere is getting awkward" he chuckled softly while still wiping the remaining tears on my face. "Now it's done, all tears are gone" he stated that as if he's cheering me.

"Okay then, let me answer my own question. Your mom will surely be sad if she happens to know you're like this"

"B-but I do have a right to act like this" it went out of my mouth on it's own.

He patted my head and gave me a smile.

"Yes you do. But, you shouldn't be sad for too long. Just always remind yourself that your mother is happy now in heaven, you should be happy for her too" he continued to pat my head while giving me a lesson.

"Come on give me a smile" he even use his hands to show me how to do a 'smile'. His smile is like a virus that I can easily catch. I just found myself smiling at him.

For the very first time since my mother passed away, I can finally manage to smile.

"Now, you're soaking wet, do you have a spare clothe?"

I just shook my head as an answer.

"Okay then, wait for me. I have a spare shirt inside my friend's car" he stood up and so am I. "Here, you should use this umbrella"

"I think you're the one who should use that, I-im already wet, having an umbrella right now won't change that fact" I suggested.

"You're right hahaha. Okay thennn, I'll be back" he said as he run towards the parked car not so far on where we're standing.

He only took less than five minutes to run back and forth.

"Let's go to the nearest comfort room so you can change"

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