🍓How it Ends🚬

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I can clearly remember what happened that day. Well, ofcourse.. how can I forget the day that I met him?

"I guess... you should leave now, thank you for the shirt anyway" The cute boy whom I just met smiled at me and I swear, that's the cutest thing in this universe.

His chinky eyes, nose so cute, lips so thin, face so small and round, fat cheeks. One word to describe him, angelic.

He looks like a girl, narukk.

"Okay then, I'll go now. I hope I can see you again"

I waved my hands at him. If it's not for Pavel, I won't be leaving this cute guy right here this early. Is he totally fine? I saw him crying earlier, how come he's smiling now like nothing happened?

As I walk away, my mind is battling whether I'll ask for his name or I won't. Damn, why am I being a shy ass now?! It's not the right time!!

"Wait, what's your name?" I heard him shout and I immediately turn around to face him. I can't stop myself from smiling.

"I thought you wouldn't ask. You can call me Joong, what's yours??"

"My name is Nine"

At first, I thought I'm just attracted at him because of his girly features. I mean, I'm a guy and he's a guy too. I am very sure that I'm as straight as a metal ruler.

But I just can't deny the fact that I already fall for him. Damn!! I even go to the cemetery almost everyday just to look for him. I waited at the same spot where I first saw him and ended up going home disappointed because he's not right there.

"Shia Joong!! You're as dumb as fuck. Why did you forgot to ask for his contact number?" I whispered to myself.

Nine.. I hope I can see you again...

And it looks like God heard my prayers because after a year and a half, our paths crossed.

One sunny afternoon at my new university, I saw a very familiar face walking towards my direction. My eyes grew wide as he comes closer and closer.

Our eyes met and I was about to greet him when he walk past me. I stood there like a stone, feeling a slight pain on my chest.

He forgot me already? I stared at him as he slowly vanished from the crowd.

If he really did forget me, then I can't blame him. It's been almost two years since our very first meeting.

It's just me who can't forget. Why would I? I've been liking that cute guy since Day 01.

I've seen him so many times at the university. I even stalk him when I have a free time, I just don't have the courage to talk to him. What if he'll look at me like I'm a creepy guy?!

It took me almost four months to finally know his full name.

Nine Kornchid Boonsathitpakdee.

One time, I caught him staring at me. My heart beats faster than it's normal pace. Finally!! I can take this chance to talk to him and introduce myself.

But again, destiny won't allow. I'm on my way to approach him when his classmates called him and he's gone that fast. Shia Nine!! When will I get a chance to talk to you?

"Shia? Why are you so cute?" I asked no one as I stared at my wallpaper, Nine's stolen picture. Yeah, you can call me a creepy stalker now.

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