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I woke up at 10 am yet I feel veryyyy veryyy tired. I barely get a sleep!! Note that it's Joong's fault!! That kiss--- okay let's call that a mini kiss since our lips only touched slightly--- That mini kiss kept on coming back to my mind. You can't blame me!!

"Finally!! You're awake, damn boy, fix yourself and join me for breakfast, I am so damn hungry" I shifted my gaze at the door only to see Joong leaning sideways in it.

Doesn't he feel awkward about the thing that he did yesterday?! Because I feel very very awkward that I didn't even answer or nodded at him, I just went straight to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. Is his mind that rotten to forget things that fast?!

I went to the kitchen only to find Joong waiting for me so I immediately sat down in front of him.

"Let's.... eat now" he said but his eyes are still fixed in mine. He's not even moving to get himself a rice? He want's me to do it for him huh?

"Uh.. goodmorning" he greeted so I just nodded at him. I heared him heave a sigh.

"Are you mad at me?" Now he asked so I immediately shake my head no.

"No, why would I be?"

"Yeah, why would you be?"

We stared at each other's eye as if we're exchanging conversation using it. He leaned closer that made me lean backwards. Even the table between us can't stop him from doing silly things huh?

His eyes went to look for my lips before focusing it back to my eyes.

"Maybe... because of the kiss huh?" He smirked and I can't stop myself, I flicked him in his forehead as strong as I can so that he won't have any choice but to lean back to his latter position.

"A kiss huh? That's not considered as a kiss" I stated even though I, myself, considered that as my first kiss.

"Really huh? How about I'll do that again without a strawberry?" He challenged.

"How about I'll slap you using the strawberry's container? You like that huh?" I challenged back.

"Wow!! You're fighting back now huh? Go on, slap me and I'll slap you back. You want a slap battle huh?" he even dare to show me his left cheek. I flicked his forehead again so he could stop.

"Stop now. I am so hungry, I badly want to eat"

We then went back to how we supposed to be. No more awkwardness in between.

"Sooo.. you don't have to go to work today, right?" He asked while I am washing the dishes.

"Yup, its finally my day-off!! I got two in a row!! Hahaha!" I cheered imagining how relaxed I will be in two consecutive days.

"Okay then, let's catch a movie... my treat" he stated that made me turn my head in his direction. You can say that I'm assuming things but.. is he asking me for a date? Hehe.

"Yeah sure" I simply answered but deep inside, my organs are having a small party. I can finally have my first date with my crush!!

"I'm taking a shower first, you can shower after me.." he said but he's not even moving an inch, he's just standing beside me, smirking "... or you want to shower together so we can save water?" He whispered that part.

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