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It's been almost one and a half month now. Only three weeks and school's enrollment will be open soon. I have enough savings now to enroll myself in this incoming schoolyear but don't have enough to get a new apartment, maybe I'll ask Aunt Jane if I could stay here a bit longer.

"Hey, you're out for work? It's too early" I heard Joong asked as I grab my backpack.

"Yup, I have to work all day for more income"

Ofcourse I need to double work now because when school started, I will be working part-time. I'm afraid I'll run out of money to support my school needs.

"Okay then, wait outside. I'll just grab my keys"

Well.. he's been doing that for a month now. Giving me a free ride from home to work and vice versa. It really helps since I can save more.

Just like what he says, I waited for him outside and when he got his keys, we immediately leave.

"Thanks bro, you're the best" I complimented him when we finally arrive as I remove the helmet from my head.

"I'm leaving now ah? I'll fetch you later, wait for me at the same spot okay?"

"Okay okay, bye!! I'll go now" I even waved my hands at him and he jokingly rolled his eyes as a response.

I immediately run inside the coffee shop to start my duty now. I'm inspired and very energetic HAHAHA.

"Look who's happy and energetic just because of his boyfriend driving him to work" Pavel's familiar voice echoed in my ear. I laughed at his words. Well.. I'm used to it now. He teased us almost everytime since that day Joong summoned him to the cinema.

"Yeah, live with your imaginations" I simply fired back.

"If you're not boyfriends then I don't know what to call you anymore. Being lovey dovey sometimes, teasing each other everytime, going together at some places without even bothering to ask us of we wanted to come, and other couple's stuffs"

"You're just jealous, I surpassed your closeness with Joong, looks like I'm his favorite buddy now"

"Oh come on!! I'm still the favorite one. Wait for my investigation and I'll gather all evidences that will confirm your relationship with him"

If there is an award for being a number one shipper, I think the one who will be receiving it is Pavel.

"Crazy, you won't find out anything. That's quite impossible, we're both guys... you know" I quietly stated as I remember the number one reason that is stopping me from confessing to Joong.

"I heard that!! Oh come on Nine, we're in a modern world. These days, relationships between two guys are normalized"

He sounds like he's very stressed because of what I just said earlier, that made me laugh.

"Right!! Don't stress yourself out with that thing, just help me fix things so we can open as early as possible"

We've been very busy just like how we are the past few days. Well, it's a good thing, their coffee shop is getting more and more known now. Plus, Pavel can stop sticking his nose into my own business. I'm so tired answering him like 'No. We're not in a relationship' everytime he ask me what's the thing between me and Joong .

Pavel, if you don't want to believe in my answers, stop asking. You can ask Joong instead and he'll answer you the same.

"It's so damn tiring!!" Pavel protested as he take off his apron. I was busy packing my things getting ready to go home. Well it's 7 pm now, time to go home.

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