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I intentionally woke up earlier than my usual time. I quickly took a shower and it's a good thing that Joong is not awake yet.

I immediately dressed myself so I can leave as soon as possible. Before finally leaving, I took a glance at him.

His face looks so innocent and angelic. He looks like an angle who was sent from above. Doesn't it hurt when you fall down from heaven?

Shia?! Why am I even complimenting him?

I quickly turned my back at him. I need to go now before he wakes up.

"Nine" I froze as I hear his soft voice calling my name. I slowly face him and got confused when I saw that his eyes are still closed.

Am I just hearing things? Or is he sleeptalking?

Hai!! Nevermind. I need to go now.

I quickly went downstairs and saw Aunt Jane there.

"You're already leaving for work? Where's Joong? He won't drive you off today?" She asked consecutively.

"I really need to go now to help Pavel in setting up the shop. Joong is still sleeping so I feel bad to disturb him" I explained. Well, the only part that's not true is me helping Pavel.

"Are you sure that that's the reason why you're leaving early? Or you and Joong are fighting?" She asked as if she knows what happened. I immediately shook my head no.

"We're... in good terms" I smiled at her. Sorry for lying Aunt Jane.

"Well... I heard your exchanging of shouts last night so I thought you two are fighting. Okay then, join me. Let's have a breakfast"

"I really need to go now Aunt Jane, maybe next time?"

"If that's the case then, okay. Take care!! Don't forget to send my son a message when you're about to go somewhere, you know, he's so worried. He even wanted us to report to the police station"

I suddenly felt guilty.

"Yeah sure. I'm sorry for my actions yesterday, I... really have to go now. Bye bye!!"

"Take care, dear!!"

I took a cab and arrived at the shop after 30 minutes. Pavel is already inside so I went to join him.

"So how's your night?" He asked like he's teasing.

"I sleep good" I answered sarcastically.

"Oho?! You two didn't talk huh?"

"Why do you look so surprised? I told you I don't want to talk to him yet. What's the point of going home fake drunk at 10 pm if I'll just break my plan of avoiding him?"

"Chill!! It's still early, don't explode yet"

"Yeah. Don't ask so I can prevent myself from exploding"

"But honestly.. I think you should talk now. Why would you prolong that? You two will end up facing each other soon" he suggested. ".. and who knows? Maybe you're just misunderstanding things"

I heaved a sigh as I walk towards the glass door to change the sign into "OPEN"

"We'll talk when I'm ready"

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