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We went home at exactly 6 pm. No one discussed about the things that Joong said earlier. Well.. I'm afraid to ask him about the true meaning behind that. I might end up embarassed as I assumed things again. What if it's another session of his #Joong'sWordsofWisdom? I shouldn't make it a big deal.

"Ai Nine, hungry?" He asked as we both drop our own bodies into the sofa.

"Seriously? You're asking me that? I'm like a motorcycle who just went at a gas station, full tank bro"

"Wow!! Nice pick of words!" Then he gave me a round of applause.

"That's how intelligent I am" I chuckled as I gave myself a compliment.

"Boys!! You're home now? Come, let's have a dinner" Aunt Jane suddenly popped out from nowhere.

"No thanks Mom, we're like a motorcycle who just went at a gas station, full tank" Joong answered, copying me.

"Okay then.. I guess I'll be eating alone again huhuhu" Aunt Jane dramatically stated as she walk inside the kitchen.

I gave Joong a slight punch in his arms.

"Where's your originality dude?" I asked followed by laugh.

"You don't want to share me your so-called intelligence huh?"

"Yup!! That's like... plagiarism!! I'll file you a case" I jokingly stated while laughing. But my laughs are suddenly stopped when he leaned his face towards mine. Damn!! He's doing it again!!

"Oh come on, after all the things that we shared, you're being stingy now huh?" His voice are so weak, yet I can hear him clearly.

"H-hey! Move! Why are you being this close again?" I whispered back.

I saw how his eyes move just to examine my face.

"Seeing you this close, I badly crave for strawberries. Should we eat that again, huh? What do you think?" He asked meaningfully.

Oh Joong!! I know what you're talking about! I pushed him so that we can have our personal space back. That's the cue for him to laugh so hard while looking at me.

"Shia Joong!! Stop teasing me, you really want me to slap your face with that strawberry's container huh?" I threatened him so that I can hide what I'm currently feeling.

"Look how red your face is. Oho! Someone's shy and he can't deny it" he teased continuesly.

"Shut your mouth or I'll seal that with a tape"

"Seal it with a kiss? Feel free then" he even pouted his lips just to add level to his teasing.

"How about seal that with a punch, sounds good right"

He just crumpled his face, looking like he's sulking. His grimace made me laugh.

"So ugly" I teased.

"Look who's starting the teasing session. You want me to stop teasing but when I do, you'll be the one who will start it. Your mind is a bit messy"

Atleast I teased differently!! I'm not making anyone's heart beat so fast like they're in a race, unlike you!!

"Okay okay, I'll stop now..." I stood up to stretch my back "... well.. I'm heading upstairs, I badly want to take a nap, wake me up at 8 o'clock okay?" I patted his arms before leaving.

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