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Amity's POV;

I jumped up a bit when someone suddenly pulled me by the waist from behind and held the hand I reached out with.

Blinking a few times, I was brought in the middle of the dance floor.

Turning around, my eyes widened at the sight.

"You..?" I mumbled.

He continued to smirk at me, this time, it looked wider as he held me close by the waist with one hand and with the other holding my hand.

I flushed, my heart was racing as the music went on with him leading the dance.

I couldn't help myself but smile while staring at his mask.

I wanted to see his face.

I've been yearning for him to take it off.

Our dance was quiet but loving. Wait, loving..? Why does it feel loving?

He feels so alluring I can't help but lean closer to him when we took a step here and there.

The hand I placed on his shoulder was beginning to feel weak over his calm steps.

It felt like he knew how to come by each step I took with him.

It was a daydream.

We continued on like this, it even felt like the place was cleared for us before he finally stopped and lead me somewhere.

I could hear the shouting coming from my mom and dad. Wait..? I wasn't just hearing their voices, I was hearing my friends and the twins voices too.

I ignored it all and stared at him, his hold on my hand was soft but firm.

He leads me through the hallways and out in the back of the Manor.

In the garden, he leads me through the maze.


We stayed hidden under the table in the maze.

He hushed me down.

I've never heard him make a noise or say a word for that matter.

I gulped, flushing as I forced a nod to answer him back.

We kept our head low, I even saw one of the guards passing by the table.

After a while though, we got out and sat down in the small place.

It was just a table with chairs surrounding it.

He had this magnetic smirk again when he placed a hand on her chin staring at me.

I forced a smile while trying to comprehend what to do.

"So... Uhm..." I tried to open up a conversation.

But failed and fell into an awkward silence.

My face was really red at this point on, and I was thinking that my skin was never going to go back to normal ever.

We continued to be in silence before I finally sighed and asked, "who... Are you? Why did you leave for three years?"

He didn't answer.

I frowned.

"Are you ever going to say something or stay quiet??" I asked, this time I was a little irritated of how quiet he was.

After another while of complete silence, he reached a hand out towards one of my hands and gave it a quick kiss.

The devil [1] (Lumity/the owl house Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now