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Grabbing the blinds, he pulled it to let the sun in before slowly standing up and stretching.

He yawned a bit before looking over his side to see it empty.

"Well, it would seem that they've all left earlier than me..." He wondered before pausing over a figure at the side.

"Good morning, 'step father'."

"Ah... Luz... What a pleasant surprise for you to, uhm... Give father Lucifer an early visit."

Luz just sat there in the couch with crossed arms.

"You know very well why I'm here." She said.

Lucifer only chuckled back at her.

"Before when you came to visit me for the first time you were a little scared when you truly believed the devil among the demons were real. It's not a wonder you've grown to be... Mature over these things now I suppose." He said as he helped himself ass naked over to grab himself a pair of boxers and a white armless shirt.

"What's wrong? What happened to the go lucky young child with ADHD? Has it grown out of you or does it still linger..? But just not as much as before now is it?" He continued while running a hand through his black yet rough hair.

Luz frowned at him deeply.

"Oh, don't give me that look, dear, we haven't started up on whatever talk you have for me yet." Lucifer chuckled out.

"Just why did you choose me instead of the irritating voice in my head that won't tell me their name?" Luz asked.

Lucifer continued to chuckle as he walked over to grab himself a glass of wine, or moreover a bottle of it.

"Well, to be fair, your name started with an L which I personally wanted for my new child and second of all... Almost everyone from heaven is after my head to come back to hell where everyone is also after my head if I don't come back. So if I had a child up on earth, they'd allow me to stay just as much as I want while letting them know I have a child now." He said.

"That is the most incoherent and pathetic explanation for an excuse you've given me for the past months..." Luz pondered out with a hand on her temple.

She swore she was getting a nauseating headache here.

"Well, look on the bright side! You're immortal now, and my child too. Who would ever dare lay a finger on someone who has every single power the devil himself has?" Lucifer said with a chippered voice.

"I am not your biological child and you are not my biological father." Luz blurted.

Lucifer hummed with a slight frown in his face before saying, "well, it would seem you'll have to get used to it now. And it's not my fault they didn't specifically said to have a biological daughter on earth, all they said was have a child on earth for me to stay."

"Why do you even want to stay on earth!?" Luz asked.

"Because it's fun, mortals are something you can play with and grabbing pleasure here is much more entertaining than grabbing pleasure in hell." Lucifer said.

"Oh, great..." Luz sighed with her hand covering half of her face in dissatisfaction on every answer given to her.

The devil [1] (Lumity/the owl house Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now