Chapter 6 (EDITED)

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I kept my eyes locked onto the textbook trying to focus on the chemicals and what they were used for though I couldn't help but look at Dick next to me. I was trying to figure out why such an attractive guy like Dick was talking to me of all people, behind me I could see the envious eyes of girls who were looking over at us as they walked into the classroom. My eyes returned to him again when I saw him rummage through his backpack that was on the floor, he placed a black notebook onto the table with a few pens next to it.

"So you're new, what University did you attend before here?" I exclaimed he looked over at me, I watched him cross his arms which showed his muscles rippling through his navy blue shirt under his leather jacket.

"Yeah, I attended Gotham University before I transferred here since they have the best chemistry courses. How about you? Advance Chemistry you must be very smart." He exclaimed pointing at the textbook in my hands I tightened my jaw slightly shrugging at him.      

"Well this is just basic chemistry; I guess you can say I love science so I'm just preparing for the future classes. My mother is a chemist and a doctor in genetics; so I guess you can say that it runs in my blood huh?" I laughed with Dick chuckling along with me, my eyes looked up and I saw three guys coming into the room which made my stomach knot up. The leader locked eyes with me forcing me to swallow sharply as he started to walk towards Dick and I with my stomach now flipping over inside. "Shit..." Dick turned to the direction my eyes were as the leader stopped with his two friends behind him.

"Flirting with the new guy freak?" the leader asked my entire body stiffened with my jaw biting down on my tongue and my hand began to close into a fist under the table. Dick looked over seeing the leader with his group of followers, just before he could say anything the Professor walked into the room.

"Mr. Redhorn? Can you please take your seat so we can begin today's lecture? I'm taking you are Mister Grayson? The transfer student?" the Professor asked my eyes that were locked on the leader and then on Dick to see that he could only nod at the Professor. He went through the paperwork before him which was probably Dick's transcripts. "Well you came at a time that we were about to start on our experiment except I chose partners last class. So either you can work alone or if Miss Lynx here wouldn't mind taking you as her partner instead of her working alone?" Dick looked over where I could feel my heartbeat pound in my ears louder.

"It's fine with me Professor Wilkins..." I choked out where he nodded turning to the blackboard to write down the different chemicals while I dug into my bag grabbing the stress ball I kept inside for my own sake. I clutched it firmly in my left hand that was away from Dick's view, I squeezed it every minutes to subside the anger inside me while I jotted down all of the instructions that Professor Wilkins wrote. 

"As I told you last week, we will be doing an advance chemistry experiment to test your knowledge to know whether or not you qualify the advance classes next semester. It is worth half of your final grade, we will be trying to make ammonium nitrate from household chemicals that I will provide for you. Please take a moment to finish writing these procedures since they will not be here the next class, once you are finished copying grab a pair of goggles and heading to your stations to begin the experiment. You will have the hour today and three hours in lab on Thursday to attempt this experiment. I will give extra time if it is needed to those who ask, after you believe you successfully completed the project you and your partner must write up a report. The report that should contain these procedures, the materials you used, your hypothesis and your results. This is a ten page report due by the end of this class in three weeks, go forth now." He explained which I managed to finish the last of the procedures when he finished speaking. I stuffed the stress ball into my pocket when I looked up I saw Dick handing me a pair of goggles.

"Thanks? Our station is over there. I'm going to gather the materials so either you could finish the procedures here or copy them from my notebook?" I replied he gathered his stuff which told me he was going to follow me, we both stood and he followed me with his notebook to our station. I opened the different drawers we began to set up all the beakers and the Bunsen burner. I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something familiar about Dick but I couldn't place it, though I needed to focus on the experiment right now. I had a lot on my mind between passing school and tracking down Desmond I had no time for a crush especially if whatever is happening inside me will destroy everyone I love and care about. 

~~This is Redhorn~~

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~~This is Redhorn~~

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