Chapter 1

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*Bing bing* "Argg" *bing bing * that stupid alarm woke me up ..

Today I have an interview at hunter's company as personal assistant ..

Well this is how my life has been since I left San Francisco three months ago ,after I left San Francisco I took the first plane to new York.

When I reached new York my savings helped me to rent a small apartment a living room,small kitchen and room attached to a toilet although it is small I'm grateful for shelter

      I got up from my bed took a hot shower and Wear a black pencil skirt which is above my knee and black shirt at least it is appropriate for interview I will do some shopping during the week

"where is the money "

my conscience mocked and yes I am basically broke right now

The money I have right now will only buy me coffee and to take a taxi ,my rent is due next week and I have nothing to give the landlady,I just hope I get this job.. I took all the necessary things for interview and went out

      I took a walk to the nearby coffee shop to get something in my stomach I have about one hour more before the interview  "what can I get you Ma'am the waiter asked "black coffee please "

In about five minutes the waiter came and gave me my black coffee

        "Baby wakie wakie " "Edward please 5 minutes more " "then I will not make you your favourite coffee " I opened my eyes immediately "I'm up I'm up" and he laughed "at least this work "I got up and took my bath and went to meet him in the kitchen " Edward where is my coffee "I pouted "a kiss first please " and I kissed him then he made me my favourite coffee "thank you " "you are welcome I love you baby " "I love you too" 
       "Ma'am your bill" the waiter pulled me out of my thought "How much is it

" $7 dollars "I paid him, as he was about to go "um excuse me" "

"yes Ma'am "

" what's the time now I forgot my watch at home "

"7:55" as he said these words I rushed out of the cafe and took a bus I'm late for my interview how can I be this reckless ..I reached exact 8:00 and I hurrily went in side the building and I met the receptionist

"excuse me miss" "How can I help you Ma'am "she flashed me a smile " my name is Elisabeth Williams I am here for the interview as personal assistant for Mr hunter "

" you are just in time for the interview please take the lift to floor 60 where the other candidates are" "Thank you " "Good luck"

          I then took the elevator to floor 60 thank God I'm the only one in about 3 minutes I reached floor 60 ,there were many people there and according to their dresses they are all rich, some have their books and asses on display and their faces are packed with makeup in short terms sluts.

I'm the last person for interview number 30 "Mia jones" I heard an elderly woman saying and then the lady went in ...10 minutes later she came out crying and all the others came out either crying or cursing Mr hunter and I'm the only one seated "Elisabeth williams" the lady called me

      I nervously stood up and knock before going in i heard a low "come in"

And as I went in side I was stunned I saw a man maybe in mid 20's his head is down concentrating in a document... he is  devilishly handsome

His jawline is so sharp..his nose is pointed like a pencil then his pink lips so kissa -

"Are you a statue or should I tell you to sit "

He snapped  "S..sorry sir "

Damn why should I stutter I quickly took a sit and gave him my C.V he took it and took a look at it

"Name "he asked  "Elisabeth Williams sir "

"thank God I didn't stutter but why should he ask me when he has everything  before him

"Age" "23" and finally he looked at me with his piecing blue eyes

"Why do you want this job"

"Because I want money and I don't wanna be idle at home "

" And why do you think I should give it to you" "Because I'm qualified " 

"Well you must sleep with me before you get this job" as he said this words I chocked on my saliva

"W..what" " you must sleep with me miss Williams  "

"With all due respect sir I will not let down my integrity for just a dare know what keep your job in your a**  I will not sleep with you "

And as I was about to stand "You have the job "

Wait what!!

"What" "you have the job are you deaf or what be here tomorrow at 8 am and I will tell you the rest tomorrow..get out"

   I went out and breathe relief ,I couldn't belive I got the job yess I did it

Hello again 😊How is chapter one ??  Elizabeth is so pretty..i did my best so please vote and comment 💖

Already edited ❤💞

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