Chapter 28

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Your flaws are perfect for the heart that's meant to love you...


Liam's Pov

"Please don't " I heard someone yell but I ignored and continued to sleep

"Please don't...please " i heard again and the voice sounds familiar but I still ignored

"Please dad" and then i opened my eyes and all the sleep left my eyes


And I quickly went inside her room..."no don't " and I went to her side

"Shh baby I'm here " "no please don't hurt me " "Elisabeth " But she was still sleeping

"Elisabeth " and then she finally opened her eyes "no please don't hurt me " and she pushed me

She looked so vulnerable and innocent "Baby girl I won't " "please don't "

I hate seeing her like this

"No I won't " and I went near her again and hugged her and then she started crying

After she cried her heart out..she then looked up and her eyes met mine

Her eyes her red and puffy from all the crying and If I have a way i will take the pain from her

"I'm sorry for ruining your clothes " "no no it's ok" and she looked away but I want her to look at me

"Elizabeth " "mm" and she looked at me "you want tea" and she slowly nodd

And I wanted to get up but she grabbed my hands "please can I follow you I don't wanna be left alone up here "

"Ok then let's go"  she got up and followed me to the kitchen .....

I made her the tea and gave it to her...i never knew I will make a woman tea at this time of the night but here i am..

"Thanks" "welcome " "what about you...don't you want tea"

"No I'm good " and she started drinking it but she was too dull and I don't want her to get like this

"Baby girl " and she looked at me "I don't want you to be like this...please cheer up "

And she smiled "ok" and then we started talking about random things ,then her laughter was heard all over the house

This is how I want her mood...cheerful

That's how our night went like...after talking and laughing we felt sleepy so I decided to sleep inside her room

And I'm really happy sleeping near her <♡ >


The next day I was awaken when somebody cuddled with me...I'm a light sleeper

I opened my eyes to see Elisabeth sleeping peacefully while cuddling with me

And I smiled...if she wakes up and see what she's doing she will turn red surely

This woman sleeping near me is too beautiful for her own good..although I don't love her for her beauty

I love her genuinely and my intension for her is pure like the woman sleeping next to me...

And then she slowly opened her beautiful green eyes to look at me

"Good morning " I said "Good morning " and she smiled "how was your night "

"Good and yours " "Same baby girl " "Today is Sunday what do you want to do "

"Anything...don't you have somewhere to go " "she asked " and I shook my head

I got up from the bed  " Shower and meet me downstairs,I will be doing the same " she replied with an ok

I went inside my room and showered for 30 minutes and wore short pants and vest and went downstairs

I went inside the kitchen and met an empty kitchen she's not done yet

And I started preparing breakfast...never in my life did I think that I will be preparing breakfast for a woman

"You're already here" and I turned to see Elizabeth and I eyed her..she was wearing large sweater and knee high socks and damn she looked sexy..

she was wearing large sweater and knee high socks and damn she looked sexy

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I felt my friend hardened down there just by looking at her...half part of her legs her showing

And damn she really looked hot...her fresh and smooth legs

Fuck...oh man

"Liam" she pulled me out of my trance "y-yes" "what are you preparing for breakfast "

"Your favourite " "how do you know my favourite,what is my favourite? "

"Pancakes " and she narrowed her eyes at me "how did you know "
"You won't understand " "ok" and then she stood near me and started watching me preparing breakfast

And then I started staring at her but she was busy drooling over my pancakes so she didn't see me

But she then looked up at me and caught me staring at her,then she smiled at me and I did the same

Then we started staring at each other....after a while I smelled something burning

"Liam,the pancakes " she half yelled and then I saw that my pancakes are burning ☆☆☆


We are now sitting in the living room chatting....after that pancake scene

We made other pancakes and ate it for breakfast after we talked about random things and now we're in the living room

"I'm bored" "me too,let's play 20 question " "That's too childish" I  said

And she glared at me "whatever" and she got up but I was quick to grab her hands

"Leave me alone " "no,well I'm sorry let's play " and she smiled "one question at a time,I will start"

"What's your favourite colour " she asked but to be honest I have none

"None" I replied curtly "ohh,it is your turn to ask" "your favourite music "

"Fight song,and yours " "none " to be honest I'm not in the mood for a game

"Your turn " "I have no more questions " "ok" and all her happiness faded and she put on a straight face

"You want to do something else " and she shook her head I hate seeing her like this

"I'm sorry " "I'm good "she gave me a curt reply and I know deep down she's not

"If you talk to me I will buy you icecream " And her eyes widen "which flavour "

"Chocolate " and she half smiled "promise" "promise " and we continued like that >>>

Hello my darlings😊❤...this chapter is kinda boring for me 😬but I promise next one will be 👌

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