Chapter 29

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I cannot possibly think of loving anyone else like the way I love are my life,I cannot imagine my life without you :)


Elizabeth's Pov

"Good morning Elisabeth " "Good morning sir" "I came with coffee for you"


"Thank you sir" "Make sure you drink it ,after you meet me in my office "

"Yes sir " and he walked into his office,I'm now in the office working before Mr hunter came

Yesterday he brought me my favorite icecream and I was so happy

We have kinda grown close this weekend and I'm so happy he has been good or let's say polite with me

And I'm actually surprised he brought me coffee today

Because he cares for you

"No he doesn't " he does,ok if a person doesn't care about you..will he do these little things

"Does he??"

Anyways I'm now drinking his coffee and to be is really good and I love it "

"Elisabeth " I heard a high pitch voice....Argg again

"Hi Beatrice " I said lowly....I'm so tired with her behaviour

"Hi,how have you been ,how is Mr hunter" "im good and as  for Mr hunter he's inside go and ask him how he's doing "

"But I saw you at his house " well this is fishy and I looked at her

"I mean I saw you enter his car " "are you stalking me ?"

"No,why should I" she laughed nervously "Ok" maybe I'm just overreacting

"I will be going now " "bye " and I continued working until I remembered Mr hunter asked me to meet him in his office

And I quickly went inside his office but knocking first "sir I'm sorry I'm late "

And he looked up at me before speaking "you know I hate laziness right "

"I know and I'm sorry "  "Don't repeat it next time,we're here to work not to be lazy"

Thank you Mr lecturer

"Yes sir ,it won't happen again " "Anyways we have to attend a appointment with Mr Owen at St Lewis a reservation and by 5 pm meet me in my office"

The name sounds familiar

"Yes sir ,anything else" "No you can leave "

A while ago...I was talking about him being polite and it seems he heard it so he has changed his attitude...hilarious

And I went outside and started working again...I booked the reservation and continued working

☆ ☆ ☆

I need to pee...I quickly got up and went into the ladies room to do my business

Some minutes later I went out and started working again...*bing bing *

My phone I took it and the time reads 5 pm I need to meet Mr hunter in his office

So I  went to his office but I didn't bother knocking and I went in

When I went in what I saw my heart scattered into pieces...I saw a lady straddling Mr hunter and they were both kissing

Her skirt was under her butt and his hands wrapped around her




Mr hunter

My heart ache seeing this...but I controlled my emotion...but the hurt is so obvious

"E-Elizabeth " he's obvious he was not expecting me to be here

Guilt,regret flooded his eyes whiles tears welled up in my eyes but I winked then off so it wasn't noticeable

I need to be strong

"I'm here to tell you that it is already 5 pm and it is time for the appointment,I will be waiting outside ,when your done and I looked at her in meet me outside " and I walked off

After closing the door I went into the ladies room straight

She isn't even beautiful...her face is just full of makeup

But her body is like a model...thin,tanned skin and I guess she's tall just by looking at her..but she is not beautiful

My felt like my heart was squeezed...I just don't know how to explain this feeling right now

Then I felt a tear rolled down and so it continued....the only way I pour out my sadness is by crying....

After crying for some time I gathered myself and got out and I'm sure my eyes are puffy

Isn't it so obvious why

I then went to my desk and saw nobody there so he isn't finished yet

Then he finally came out with his barbie...she left us and went outside

"Let's go Elisabeth " I didn't even bother answering him and took my things

"Ok" and then i walked off into the elevator and he followed too

Inside the elevator was a pin drop silence "Elisabeth what you saw inside there is a mistake,it is not what you think "

"So what...i already saw what I is your life who am I to control're my boss and im your employee ,hard feelings...I'm good "

I know I lied...I'm not good...In fact im far away from good

And I saw hurt ,guilt,regret and pain...all in one passed through his eyes

And then silence prevailed again...after the elevator...we went inside his car and drove off to the hotel...

"How can I help you please " "Reservation under Mr hunter please "
"Ohh yes this way" and she lead us to our table...

My foot was stuck to the ground when I saw a certain person and guess who is it...Edward...☆☆☆

My darlings 😊❤'s the story so far ??


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