Chapter 33

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If I did anything right in my life, It was when I gave my heart to you


I am now standing right in front of Mr hunter's office and I'm so nervous to go in and give him his coffee

After what happened last night I was not able to sleep and I guess he was not able also because I heard footsteps in the hallway all night

To say I was shocked about his outburst yesterday is an understatement...I did not expect that from him

Imagine one of the most richest and most handsome man in new York confessed his love for you..can you not be shocked and nervous to face him

I just don't know what to say or do but there's one thing I know for sure is that I must give him his coffee

After inhales and exhales I finally knocked "Come in " and I quickly went in

"Sir your coffee " and he looked up at me and smiled "put in on my table "

And I quickly went to put it on his table "No not there ,here" and he pointed to the space right beside him

And I nervously went to put the coffee right beside him and I quickly put it there

As I was about to go he grabbed my hands leading me to sit on his lap

"Not so fast babygirl" he whispered in my ears "Li-am st-op " I whispered

I tried to get up but his grip was just getting more tighter "li-am "

"What if I make it much more worse " before I could blink he turned  me around and put across one of my legs,so I was now straddling him

Am I that light

"Yes baby girl, you are light  " Did I say that out loud

And I avoided his eyes "look at me " But I still didn't "I said look at me "

And I slowly looked at him...all I can see in his eyes is love and sincerity

His blue eyes are sad and looking down...because you have not answered him yet dummy

"Why are you ignoring me " he said "I'm n-ot ign-oring you "  "Then look me in my eyes without stuttering and tell me you are not ignoring me "

And I looked him in the eyes....I cannot lie to him I'm truly ignoring him

He was trying to talk to me today and I have been ignoring him from home

"I already have my answer ,so tell me why are you ignoring me "

"I-I " "Don't feel nervous or scared around me ok " and I nod my head

"So..." and his mouth started reaching for my neck and he started biting me

"Li-am we are...ahhh" he started adding pressure and pressure "what babygirl " he said in his husky voice And continued to suck on my neck

"Li-am we a-re in th-e off-ahh" I moaned "Don't worry nobody will hear "

And he continued to suck and bite my neck >>

"Liam I should go now " "No..sit here " I'm still sitting on his lap and he has left hickeys all over my neck

"Liam let me go or else " "or else what " Ohh really and I bite his arm

"Oww" and he let go of me...I quickly got up and started laughing

After laughing for a while year...I stopped and I looked at liam and he has a playful expression on his face

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