Chapter 35

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If someone cares about you ,you won't ever have to wonder how they feel,they'll constantly remind  you


Elizabeth's Pov

The sun is directly penetrating through the curtains and that was what woke me up

I need to take a shower before going to meet Mr hunter in his room ,but usually by this time I would hear his footsteps all around

I quickly went to take a shower and got ready for work and went to Mr hunter's room

Yes we didn't sleep together yesterday, he tried to persuade me to sleep there but I did not agree

I outsmart him and ran inside my room,then closed the door

Anyways I went to his room and went inside but when I went in i saw liam laying down

I quickly went to him and checked his temperature,his temperature is really high

He is sick

"Liam " and he opened his eyes slowly,his face is  pale and his eyes are yellow

"We should go to work, I will be down in few minutes "  wait what ,is this man a machine or what

And he started to get up "You are not going anywhere,you are sick and your telling me you are going to work...don't even dare ,lay down "

"But-" "I said lay down " and he quietly layed down "I will be back in few minutes "

I went downstairs and took a bowl with hot water and a towel and I went up again

I went inside his room ,he was laying down and I went to his side and I started wiping him with the towel

"Elizabeth you can go ,I will take care of myself " "who will take care of you ?"

"I will" "you can't even get up properly and you are telling me you can take care of your self ,don't worry I will call Mrs Thomas and I will take care of you...get it "

And he nodd quietly and smiled "What are you smiling about " "Nothing " he said lowly

"I will go change and buy for you Meds,I will be back before you know it " "you can use my car"

"But-" "I insist " "ok then bye " "bye " I then kissed him before kissing his forehead

I went inside my room to change and then went to garage to take the car and went to the pharmacy

After fifteen minutes of searching for a pharmacy, I finally found one

I went into the pharmacy and brought him his tabs then went back home

"I have brought it " "Thanks " "im going to prepare for you food and then you take your tabs "

"I have no appetite " "please try to eat something " "but-" "please liam"

"Ok I will try" and I smiled "Thanks,I will go and prepare for you something to eat "

"Can I come with you " "Why, you are not well" "Because I will be bored and I'm not sleepy...please "

"Ok" and I went to him to try and told him so he will not fall because he's too weak

And after all the struggles of helping him get downstairs to the kitchen, we Finally reached

"I will make for you something strong like pasta,no argues " and I gave him the look which leaves no room for argument

"Ok" and I cooked something for him while he was watching me>>

"Open you mouth baby please " and he slowly opened his mouth then I fed him

"I'm not hungry " "Ahh,you don't talk when your eating understand " and he nod his head

I then started feeding him until he ate everything "Good " and I smiled

"Now let us go upstairs after I finish washing your plate ok " and I wasted his plate then took a glass of water and went with him upstairs to his room

"Time for your tabs " and he frowned his face,I then gave him his tabs to drink but he didn't take it

"Is it bitter? " "wait don't tell me your scared of Meds " "can't i be "

"No it isn't bitter ok " "are you sure " "yes I'm sure,please baby drink it"

And he drank it but frowning his face while drinking it "But you told me it isn't bitter,you lied to me " And he pouted

"Baby I'm sorry ,i just wanted you to drink it " But he still didn't talk to me

"Please " But he still didn't answer me he is so cute  "well don't talk to me too"

But then he looked at me and smiled "So you're not going to talk to this sick man"

My turn

And I still didn't talk to him "Baby girl, talk to me please...ok I promise I will drink all the tabs and eat ok"

"You promise " "I promise " and I smiled "wait don't tell me that you went out in this clothes "

O ohhh

"What is wrong with it " "Did you go out with crop top" "yes,it is crop top and sweatpants...what is wrong with it "

"Wait!!does that mean other men saw your body " "Liam what is wrong with you,you are sick and your  thinking about other men seeing my body"

"What do you want me to think ,I have a beautiful, sexy,gorgeous girlfriend going out with crop top "

"I'm yours ok,don't worry I'm only yours" "Thank God you're mine "  ""Are you in for watching TV because I know ur not sleepy "

"Ok" and then i turned on the TV and we started watching it>>>

{♡} {♡}

"Liam let's go to sleep" it was already night time and he has not sleeped since morning

We watch TV whole day and I tried to persuade him to sleep but he didn't agree

"Ok" and we both went to bed "Good night babygirl " "Good night " and we both went to sleep **

During the middle of the night I felt someone shivering next to me so I slowly opened my eyes to see liam shivering

And all the sleep left you eyes ,I then checked his temperature and it is really high than before

I quickly went to take one of his Hoodie and socks inside his closet and wore it on him

And I went to take a bowl of hot water and towel, then I started wiping him but it still didn't lessen

"I'm sorry baby " I whispered but he front hear it "i will turn off the ac ok "

And he nod,i turned off the ac and started wiping Him again until his temperature lessen a little bit

I really mean a bit

I then lay down beside him and hugged him so his head was on my chest and he hugged me too

But he was still shivering "Shh baby, I'm here. Shhh" But he was still shivering

"I'm sorry " and after a while he calmed down and we both went to sleep °~°

My darlings 😊❤

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