Chapter 13

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With you,I forget all my problems...with you ,Time Stands Still {♢}
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"Sir you called for me " "yes I need you to review this file and rearrange this documents and give it to me before the end of the day " "ok sir " "yes miss Williams" "Any thing else sir " "And you have a presentation on Thursday "

What!! I have never done one before

"Ok sir " I was definitely freaking inside but keeping my cool on the outside "What's the presentation about sir " "I was expecting you to ask that question...take a seat" and then he started discussing about the presentation...

Half an hour later he finished explaining  "Do you understand Miss Williams " "yes sir " he gave me some documents saying you will need it "when you return to your desk,you will see a new laptop with iPhone so you can keep it because you will be using it for the presentation...That's all...Get out "

That was too harsh

I went to my desk opened the new laptop I copied things,transfer files and did some other things and so with the phone,and I continued working...


After few hours of working,my tummy grumbled....since morning I have not eaten and the time reads 1:30, time for lunch..

As I was about to go for lunch Mr hunter came out "Miss Williams are you going now for lunch " "yes sir, can I do anything for you " "No,I wanted to take you out for lunch " "Sir i-" "I want to see you eat myself,I don't want you to starve"....

Does he care ?? No I don't think so

"So no buts ,let's go " "ok sir" and we went to the nearby restaurant


We went to the restaurant, ordered and now we are waiting for our orders...

"So miss Williams are you ready for the trip " I think he noticed the uncomfortable silence so he wanted to lighten it  "more than ready sir " "Have you packed your bags " " sir " "Why" "Because I have been busy with work " "work?" "Yes sir" "what about your mom, doesn't she help you " here we go again...adding salt to the wound "she isn't here sir" "Oh..we're is she " "In heaven " and regret flooded his eyes "I'm sorry for asking " "It's ok " and I forced a smile then silence railed again...

Thankfully the waiter came and gave us our orders and we ate it...we finished eating and I wanted to pay but he said let me leave it he will pay but after 5 minutes argument..I gave up and he payed and we left the restaurant

I like being independent,I have been independent all my life so I felt bad when he payed...Anyways we went back to the office and I continued working ....


I am finally done working,I finished up everything and went home,I have so much work to do again at home...

I went home,took a cold shower and ate dinner before I started working on my presentation again but after an hour later my phone buzzed who could it be...I have no friends here?

Mr hunter -Where are the files miss Williams? ?

Shit I forgot about it and came with it home

Me-I came with the files back home....I will be there in 20 minutes...I'm sorry sir

Mr hunter -what is wrong with you...those are important files needed,I will be there in 15 minutes

Shit...he must be so angry with me

I continued working and 15 minutes later I heard a knock on the door he is here ,I'm so nervous....why should I be nervous ??

And I opened the door to see a calm looking Mr hunter "Good evening sir,please come in " "Sir I'm sorry about the files....sir I'm -" "it's okay " "Sir seat down,can I offer you anything " "water will do " I went to the kitchen to get him his water "sir your water " "Thank you " and I went to my room to get the files for him "Sir the files " "Thank you "

"So miss Williams,how was your day " "It was good and yours " "Don't you ever ask me that question,I'm your boss understand " he said sternly and my face dropped

What is wrong with this guy...two seconds ago he was good and now...

After a moment he burst out laughing " you should have seen your face "

He's so handsome laughing...This is my first time seeing him laugh

Seconds later I followed ,and then the laughter died down and we stared at each other and that moment time staned still,his eyes are as blue and deep as the ocean  I can get lost in's like we are looking into each others souls ,im drawn to his eyes....they are telling me something the mouth cannot speak...there's a certain emotion in his eyes...I cannot get my fingers wrapped on.....

But he looked away first and cleared his throat awkwardly

What just happened

"I think I should get going " "y-yes sir " Why the f*** why  should I stutter

"Good night miss Williams " "Good night sir" and he left then I continued working again but as I was working i started thinking about his blue eyes again

. Why should I think about him now...Argg concentrate Elisabeth

And I continued working until I passed off [☆]

Hello my darlings 😊😄This chapter was kinda bored in the beginning though 😑....Are there shippers?? 😆❤Elisabeth darling I see you 👀😗

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I love you guys 😍😋😗😚



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