Prologue: What The Hell?!

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The pounding in my head was similar to that of a hangover from a crazy night of drinking. Just one problem, I don't drink. At all. It felt as though my skull was being hammered.

"-/N! Y/N!" Someone desperately kept yelling my name. Chill dude, I'm not dying.


My eyes shot open with much difficulty and I almost groaned as the pain in my head increased. It was too bright for my current condition.

Blinking twice, I finally opened them and slowly, my mind started to grasp what I was looking at: A large, antiquely decorated room.

I took in the unfamiliar surroundings (which, of course, consisted of unfamiliar people staring at me, their eyes carrying complex emotions).

"Oh my, she's finally awake! Y/N, my daughter!"

My lane of vision was taken over by a beautiful auburn-haired lady. Her sapphire-blue eyes glistened with tears and she cried out loudly, thanking what seemed to be every deity she knew.

I flinched (again, too loud for my current condition).

She was wearing an elegant black gown embroidered with golden thread and black velvet gloves donned her hands. And lastly, a black Arturo Rios-style hat was perched on her head.

Needless to say, I did wonder whose funeral she was dressed for.



"Y/N, thank god you're okay! I was so worried." A soft and gentle voice addressed me, pushing back the rising panic that was consuming me and snapping me back to reality.

I'm not sure if it could be called reality. Maybe all of this was just a ridiculous dream, which wouldn't be unfathomable if it weren't for the throbbing in my head.

Maybe, I had hit my head and lost my mind. Yeah, this seemed to be the most likely explanation.

I looked up to meet a pair of warm brown eyes, overflowing with worry and concern.


If the eyes were beautiful, the face was beyond gorgeous: Plump, pink lips, a cute button nose, chubby cheeks and a razor-sharp jawline.
Long, blond locks draped his forehead.

He was wearing a white dress shirt and loose-fitting black pants.

"Umm Y/N?" he sounded even more worried if that was possible.

I was staring at him. Right. Though not because of how he looked, but because I was wondering who he was and how he knew me.

"Do you not remember me?"


He seemed to have caught on.

Instead of replying to his question, I looked around.

Three more people.

On my right stood a pretty blonde girl, her crystal blue eyes reflecting her concern. She wore a faded periwinkle blue dress that reached a little above her ankles.

Her arms wrapped around a middle-aged brunet man with chocolate-brown eyes. He too had a look of concern painted on his weary face.

He donned an old-fashioned, brown checkered pantsuit.

To the right, next to the auburn woman, stood a girl with dark brown hair and a pair of sharp grey eyes. Her chubby cheeks softened the otherwise menacing aura she gave out. She was slightly glaring at me, as though summing me up.

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