Chapter 56: A Not-So-Typical Queen

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After retrieving The Queen from Draughn's Dungeon, Jouzu and his friends returned to their settlement in Woldon, a simple stone house having 2 floors and a basement with size just big enough to accomodate at least 15 people. Once they're all inside, Jouzu who carried The Queen placed her on a bed in an unused room. It seemed that even after being freed from the crystal that imprisoned her, The Queen is not showing signs of waking up just yet so they decided to put her somewhere comfortable where she could continue her slumber.

Once The Queen was sleeping sound in bed, Jouzu immediately went to the basement where they held a round table meeting regarding the events that happened and about Draughn's Dungeon's existence. They talked and discussed everything throughly, from why could such a large place exist in a small space and how Cygnott happened to be Jouzu's pet. Sigrun formulated hypotheses, Jouzu gave ideas and his own conclusions, and the others shared their opinions throughout the meeting and before they knew it, it was already late at night and thus decided to end their discussions, they needed to take a rest after a long day after all and considering the many jobs left for them to handle, it would be hard not to take a chance for a good breather.

In more than six months since they've been suddenly transported into another world, they had seen and done many things. The discovery of Skill Creation, the establishment of Phalanx, their battle against the Scoropede inside Hedia's Labyrinth, the expedition to the north, their encounter with Arakath, their stay in Kelgar, their encounter with the old man Fiveratto, their journey through the Galheneim Forest and Arfoyd Caves, their discovery of Vrojen and establishment of their relations, the discovery of magic, its elements and other factors, the battle with the Necrotimens and finally, the discovery of Draughn's Dungeon. Time has gone by faster than they had expected and those months only felt like several days.

For now, they can finally say that their day is done and with that they slept peacefully in their beds preparing themselves for another adventurous, "normal" day in another world.

Meanwhile, in a certain place within the Cursed Mountains. A man clad in black robe was overlooking some things through a crystal ball with a dissatisfied look.

"To think that they would force me to use a great amount of magic just to warn them" he muttered in a cold tone, "and to think that Necrotimens didn't even posed as a threat. I may have underestimated them a little too much."

This man was Jarq, one of the retainers of the Demon Lord and is also known as the Apprentice of Greed. For a long time, he had been orchestrating minor conflicts in Vrojen in order to set the right stage of his grand plan which was to take over the city and give it to the Demon Lord. What was special about Vrojen? why did he want to offer it to the Demon Lord? It was-

"Taking a promised land and its magic core is quite a hard job it seems." He murmured.

For so long, he had desired the lands of Vrojen for this one particular reason. Not only that the city contained a magic core but its land would make everything possible so long as one knows how to use it. He had resorted into a slow but steady pace of things and just before things were finally in his grasp, some Adventurers that came out of nowhere appeared and ruined all of it and now he had to deal with one more thing.

Thinking that they were just no more than ordinary soldiers, he dispatched a couple of hundred Necrotimens which possessed a high regeneration rate and incredible strength but was wiped out after a considerable amount of time. After that time he gained an approximate measure of their strength and unleashed a shockwave of magic to send them a hint of his power but...

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