Chapter 59: Angels?

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Having ending Zerti and Terrence's training, Jouzu walked back alone to Woldon. It was already dusk, the surroundings getting darker as the night slowly embraces the already dim sky, the hustle and bustle of the city was slowly beginning to thin out signaling the day of working is finally nearing its end.

As he took his time walking alone, he found it somehow nostalgic, strangely even when he remembers that he was in no different situation from back then right now atleast. He was kind of the lone wolf yet surprisingly he was very attached to the people in his circle.

How many months has it been since they came into this world? how is everyone that they left behind Earth are doing? was it okay to leave the people he cared for behind? are there anyone out there looking for him or the others? is he making the right choices right now? thoughts that he had never ever imagined thinking of were surfacing infinitely in his mind.

The lonely and silent road he took were the only thing that was currently with him as he walked and walked, strangely it somehow feels nice and relaxing to have his lone time. He thought that perhaps he should do it once in a while to clear up thoughts that ran into his mind. What is this kind of feeling? he wondered.

And then he reached their home at night, without him not noticing how many hours or minutes had passed. Coming back from his senses, he noticed a lone girl sitting underneath a tree who stared at the starry night sky with eyes shining in wonder.

"It has been a long day hasn't it Shard?" he greeted as he stood nearby Shard and then like her, stared at the clear night sky.

Surprised by the sudden greeting, Shard seemed to panic as her shoulders jumped by a little, "Mm. I-It really was a long day Jouzu..."

"What're you doing here?"

"Ah, that. You see I always do this kind of thing even from back then" She smiled while gazing at the sky, "somehow, looking at the night sky makes me feel at ease and comfortable."

"Why so?" he asked, still looking up.

"I really don't know myself, I can't explain it" Shard replied with a faint yet meaningful smile, "perhaps the answer would eventually come to me if I keep gazing at the sky."

"Somehow, I kind of feel what that feeling is" he said as he sat beside her, "that the answer will eventually come if I just patiently wait for time to pass, that is."

"Its strange isn't it?" Shard chuckled softly, "something as simple as looking up at the night sky makes you feel a lot of different things. Sadness, happiness, curiosity, amazement, nostalgia, and perhaps many more other emotions."

"Hey Shard, why don't you talk like that when you're with us?" Jouzu asked as he turned his gaze into Shard's, "why are you silent most of the time?"

Shard's eyes slightly widened before her gaze turned into Jouzu's, "A-Ah it was really Jouzu after all!" she said as her cheeks quickly turned red.

"You didn't realize? we just exchanged greetings earlier you know?"

"A-A-Ah, I'm really sorry!" She said as her face turned redder than before.

"Your face is getting red, are you alright?" he asked worriedly.

"I-I'm fine, I was just surprised by a little..." she answered as she covered her face with her hands.

"Sorry for suddenly startling you." Jouzu apologized.

"Y-you don't need to apologize Jouzu" Shard replied frantically, "Uu, what do I do?" she muttered in a voice that was even softer than a whisper.

"Shouldn't I have asked about that?"

Shard shook her head, "It's alright, I was just really surprised... that's all" she said and then muttered, "do you not like that kind of me Jouzu?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2020 ⏰

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